学生氏名 (主査) 論文題目
阿部 健二 (黒田 章夫)
Expansion of assimilable substrates in Escherichia coli for efficient fermentation and biocontainment applications
Identification and immunochemical characterization of novel major allergens from the house dust mite, Dermatophagoides farinae
(室内塵ダニDermatophagoides farinaeからの新規主要アレルゲンの同定と免疫生化学的性状の解析)
Mattana Tunchai (加藤 純一)
Molecular biological studies on chemotaxis of Ralstonia solanacearum and development of novel method to control bacterial wilt
(青枯病菌Ralstonia solanacearumの走化性の分子生物学的解析と新規感染防除技術開発)
Pharmacological studies on the anti-cancer effect of Perilla frutescens-derived methoxyflavanone, and its application to a combination therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors
(Perilla frutescens由来メトキシフラバノンの抗癌作用に関する薬理学的研究およびそのチロシンキナーゼ阻害剤併用療法への応用)
中村 諒 (水沼 正樹)
Fundamental studies for development of high-quality Japanese alcohol beverage sake
Arafiles, Kim Hazel Valenzuela (秋 庸裕)
Polyunsaturated fatty acid and carotenoid production from Laminaria japonica: Developing technologies for a cascading biorefinery process of brown seaweeds
小川 貴史 (水沼 正樹)
Studies on longevity mechanisms mediated by S-adenosyl-L-methionine metabolism in budding yeast
Ahmed Gamal Kamel Habib (上野 勝)
Understanding aspects behind recombination-dependent telomere maintenance and chromosome circularization using fission yeast
緋田 安希子 (加藤 純一)
Studies on chemotaxis mechanism involved in the early stage of plant infection by bacterial wilt pathogen Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum
(青枯病菌Ralstonia pseudosolanacearumの植物感染初期段階に関与する走化性機構の解明)
岩﨑 祐樹 (中島田 豊)
Development of the genetic engineering system in Moorella thermoacetica and application to production of useful materials
(Moorella thermoaceticaにおける遺伝子組換え技術の開発及び有用物質生産への応用)
亀井 力哉 (河本 正次)
Exploration of novel mast cell-targeted preventive and therapeutic molecules for allergic disorders
重藤 元 (黒田 章夫)
Development of evaluating methods for the live cell response related to insulin
田村 博康 (水沼 正樹)
Studies on the breeding of sake yeast suitable for high-quality sake brewing
余 斐斐 (上野 勝)
Studies on the new functions of RSC chromatin-remodeling complex in environmental response in budding yeast
Molecular studies on the formation of silica layer in bacterial spores and its application
渡邉 研志 ( 秋 庸裕)
Studies on the structure and function of fatty acid desaturase
小川 貴裕 ( 水沼 正樹)
Studies on the antioxidant effects of aged garlic extract (AGE) using a model organism Caenorhabditis elegans
(モデル生物線虫 Caenorhabditis elegans を用いた熟成ニンニク抽出液(aged garlic extract : AGE)の抗酸化作用解明研究)
Erlia Narulita (山田 隆)
Molecular study on dynamic interaction between Ralstonia solanacearum and its phages in bio-control of bacterial wilt disease
安澤 義彦 ( 水沼 正樹)
Studies on the brewing properties of rice for high-quality sake brewing
Comprehensive metabolomic analysis of the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Abdelmonim Ali Ahmad Ebrahim (山田 隆)
Biotechnological application of bacteriophages for controlling citrus canker and citrus bacterial spot
Yosi Nindita (荒川 賢治)
Structural and evolutional analysis of Streptomyces linear replicons
Nitisakulkan Tisana (加藤 純一)
Studies on a novel degradation pathway of 4-chloroaniline and chemotaxis to 4-chloroaniline in Pseudomonas strains
(Pseudomonas細菌における新規 4-クロロアニリ ン分解経路と 4-クロロアニリン走化性に関する研究)
河内 護之 (岩下 和裕)
Functional analysis of histone deacetylases in Aspergillus oryzae
(麴菌histone deacetylaseの機能解析)
椿山 諒平 (水沼 正樹)
Studies on the regulatory mechanism of cell growth and life span in budding yeast
本田 真一 (平田 大)
Studies on mode of action of plant extracts based on nutrigenomics