学生氏名 (主査) 学位論文題目
河野 佑紀 (嶋原 浩)
Magnetic Structures of Itinerant Electron Systems on the Extended Spatially Completely Anisotropic Triangular Lattice
Modification of Kinetics and Thermodynamics by Various Oxides Addition and Composite Formation for Magnesium-Hydrogen System
Shrestha Amit (樋口 克彦)
A Theoretical Study on the Mechanism for the Reduction of Effective g-factor in Graphene
山口 匡訓 (小島 由継)
Thermodynamic and Structural Analyses of a Layered Solid Acid Absorbed Ammonia
山根 悠 (鬼丸 孝博)
Non-Fermi Liquid Behaviors in Diluted Pr Systems (Y,Pr)T2Zn20 (T = Ir, Co)
(Pr希薄系(Y,Pr)T2Zn20 (T = Ir, Co)における非フェルミ液体的挙動)
吉川 遼 (角屋 豊)
Theoretical study on peculiar optical responses in metal grating
上里 裕紀 (小島 由継)
Electrochemical Properties of Metal-Hydride/Hydrogen-Gas Hybrid Electrode
板橋 克美 (嶋原 浩)
Theory of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State in Quasi-One-Dimensional Type-II Superconductors
中嶋 啓太 (小島 由継)
Studies on Sodium Borohydride as an Ammonia Absorbing Material
楊 崇立 (梅尾 和則)
Evolution of magnetic order in the frustrated quasikagome Kondo lattice CeRh1–xPdxSn
郭 磊 (栗木 雅夫)
Photo-cathode Studies for High Performance Linear Accelerators
川端 丈 (高畠 敏郎)
Unusual antiferromagnetic order and c-f hybridization gap in the Kondo semiconductor CeOs2Al10
林 慶介 (梅尾 和則)
Effects of Si substitution and uniaxial pressure on the unusual antiferromagnetic order in the Kondo semiconductors CeT2Al10 (T = Ru and Os)
(近藤半導体CeT2Al10 (T = Ru, Os)の特異な反強磁性秩序に対するSi置換と一軸圧力の効果)
松﨑 智明 (嶋原 浩)
Order Parameters and Phase Diagrams in Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors
加賀 千翔人 (主査:檜垣 浩之)
Studies on the mixing processes of particles with different signs of charges in a magnetic field
上川 修平 (主査:鈴木 孝至)
Field Induced Quadrupole Phase Transition in HoTr2Al10(Tr=Fe, Ru) under an Orthorhombic Crystal Electric Field
(HoTr2Al10(Tr=Fe, Ru)の直方晶結晶場下における磁場誘起四極子相転移)
守屋 克洋 (主査:岡本 宏己)
Experimental Study of Low-Order Resonant Beam Instabilities in Circular Accelerators Using a Linear Paul Trap
林 佑弥 (主査:松村 武)
The c-f hybridization effect and the crystal field effect of CeXc (Xc=S, Se, Te)
(CeXc (Xc=S, Se, Te)のc-f混成効果と結晶場効果)
山口 翔太郎 (主査:小島 由継)
Nitrogenation and Decomposition Properties of Alkali Metal Compounds
Experimental investigation into physical aspects of quantum joint-statistics via optical sequential measurements
Xiaojuan Xi (主査:鈴木 孝至)
The Crystal Electric Field Effect on 4f -Hole and Magnetic Phase Transition in Rare-earth Yb-based Ternary Compounds YbTGe (T=Pt, Cu) and Kondo Chiral Magnet YbNi3Al9 Determined from Ultrasonic Measurements
(超音波測定を用いたYb三元化合物YbTGe (T=Pt, Cu)及び近藤キラル磁性体YbNi3Al9の4fホールにおける結晶場効果の研究)
川人 浩司 (主査:小島 由継)
Electrochemical Properties of MgH2 and TiH2 for All-Solid-State Lithium Ion Batteries
上杉 祐貴 (主査:高橋 徹)
Development of a high finesse optical cavity with self-resonating mechanism for laser Compton scattering sources
Development of the Magnetic-Field-Containing Relativistic Tight-Binding Approximation Method: Revisiting the de Haas-van Alphen Effect
松本 圭介 (主査: 鬼丸 孝博)
Superconducting and Antiferro-Quadrupole Transitions in the Pr-based Caged Compound PrIr2Zn20
小迫 照和 (主査:角屋 豊)
Study on Optical Yagi-Uda Antennas Utilizing Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Metal Nanoparticles
川田 真一 (主査:高橋 徹)
Study of Higgs boson decays to tau pairs at the International Linear Collider
伊藤 和博 (主査:嶋原 浩)
Theoretical Study of the Phase Transition and Low-Temperature Property in Two-Dimensional Coupled Antiferromagnets
青木 泰平 (主査:小島 由継)
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Ammine Complexes
下村 祐司 (主査:高根 美武)
Numerical Study of the Dephasing Effect on a Perfectly Conducting Channel in Graphene Nanoribbons with Zigzag Edges
吉村 幸徳 (主査:高根 美武)
Theoretical study on the surface states of topological insulators
脇舎 和平 (主査:鬼丸 孝博)
Magnetic, Superconducting, and Phononic Properties in Caged Compounds RT2Zn20 (R: rare-earth, T=Ru, Rh, Os, Ir)
(カゴ状化合物RT2Zn20 (R: 希土類, T=Ru, Rh, Os, Ir) の磁性, 超伝導およびフォノン物性)
福島 慧 (主査:岡本 宏己)
Stability analysis of non-neutral ion plasma in a linear Paul trap and its application to particle beam dynamics
大﨑 一哉 (主査:岡本 宏己)
Theoretical studies on Doppler laser cooling of an ion beam in a storage ring and an emittance growth mechanism of intense hadron beams
陳 躍星<CHEN Yuexing> (高畠 敏郎)
Thermoelectric properties of type-VIII clathrate Ba8Ga16Sn30-xGex and Ba8Ga16-xInxSn30 single crystals grown by self-flux and Bridgman methods
岡本 圭司 ( 高萩 隆行)
Improvement of Biocompatibility of the Diamond-like Carbon for Application to Medical Devices
舟木 博志 ( 嶋原 浩)
Pairing Interactions Mediated by Ferromagnetic Magnons─Odd- and Even-Frequency Superconductivities─
五舛目 清剛 (小島 由継)
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of Alkali Metal Amide-Hydrogen System
赤木 智哉 (高橋 徹)
Development of a 3D 4-mirror optical cavity for the ILC polarized positron source
池田 卓 ( 小島 由継)
Anode properties of magnesium hydride with all solidstate lithium ion batteries
木村 通 (小島 由継)
Catalytic Mechanism of Transition Metal Oxides for Hydrogen Absorption and Desorption Reactions of Magnesium
(マグネシウムの水素吸蔵/放出反応における遷移金 属酸化物の触媒機構)
坂木 麻里子 (鈴木 孝至)
Electric-field-induced Insulator-metal Transition in Ca2RuO4
宮脇 信実 (嶋原 浩)
Fermi−surface effect on the Fulde−Ferrell−Larkin−Ovchinnikov state in quasi−one−dimensional superconductors