First-year internship on Okunoshima island

On Dec. 12, 2021, all IGS first year students took part in a first-year internship event on Okunoshima island, also known as “rabbit island” and in Tadanoumi Port.

(Here is a report from IGS 1st Year ambassadors)
To most first-year students, the first internship activity to Ōkunoshima Island can be counted as an unforgettable 1-day trip. This internship covers the aspects of the history of war, tourism, and environment which are related to the three main areas of IGS. This helps the first-year IGS students to decide which area they are going to explore further.
While during the trip, they fully immersed themselves in the natural environment of rabbit island, they learned the ecosystem of Ōkunoshima Island, how to use the local recourses to make artifacts, different varieties of plants in the Setonaikai National Park, and the painful history of poison gas as chemical weapons that happened in WWII.
Some of the students said they are glad to help maintain the environment of rabbit island which they asked the tourists to bring back their leftovers. Apart from all these precious things they learned from the trip, most of the students hung around with other students they seldomly talked to before and it is obvious that from this trip this big first-year IGS family is getting more and more cohesive.

