IGS welcomes Dr Sangkyun (Sean) Kim, a visiting researcher for six months until January 2024 at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
He is Professor of Tourism and Creative Industries at School of Business & Law, Edith Cowan University in Australia. His main research areas are twofold. The first focuses on the close relationships between tourism and popular culture, with particular attention to tourism and media, media representation, celebrity cultures, and fan pilgrimage.
Specifically, he is an internationally recognised scholar in the field of film tourism and its broader impacts and implications. The second theme is centred on the relationship between (in)tangible heritage (e.g., food and foodways), identity and tourism with particular attention to global food tourism phenomenon.

His work is international and interdisciplinary at the boundaries of social psychology, cultural studies, media studies, geography, and tourism management and marketing.
His research projects are in the Japanese contexts, for example, udon noodle and food tourism in Kagawa and popular culture tourism and Detective Conan Mystery Tour in Japan. For more information, please visit his profile at his university’s website.
His expertise and advise will be very valuable for IGS researchers and students alike.