Prof. Akira Machida’s book has been published by Hitsuji Shobo

Prof. Akira Machida’s book "Is Linguistics Necessary in the Age of AI? From a Cognitive Grammar Point of View" has been published by Hitsuji Shobo.

The development of AI in recent years has made it possible to do more and more things that were previously impossible for us humans to do, and it is beginning to bring about major changes, especially in our use of language.

Such AI may solve all the problems that linguists have been working on for ages. If so, should linguists fight against AI?

In this book, Prof. Machida explores and proposes how theoretical linguistics and language education can coexist with AI. It is inevitable that the ever-evolving AI will further influence our language life and our view of language. How should we deal with AI in such an era? His groundbreaking book should give us hints to consider this question.

"Is Linguistics Necessary in the Age of AI? From a Cognitive Grammar Point of View"
  • Publisher:Hitsuji Shobo
  • Author:Akira Machida
  • Publication date:September 8,2023
  • Price:2,420 yen (tax excluded)(A5・176 pages)

 Please click for the details.

【Contact Information】

Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor

Associate Prof. Akira Machida

E-mail:akimachida* (Please replace*to half width @.)
