IGS Seminar will be held as follows.
■ Date and time: 10:30 - 12:00 on Wednesday, January 17, 2024
■ Venue: IAS K210
■ Lecturer: Mr. Masaho Morichika, Higashihiroshima City Community Coexistence Promotion Division
■ Language: Primarily in English
(Lecture in Japanese with English interpretation)
■ Abstract :
Higashihiroshima City’s Initiatives Toward a Community Symbiosis Society
Guest lecturers from Higashihiroshima municipal office will explain (1) the challenges facing community as families become more diverse and (2) the city's initiatives to build CHIIKI NO TSUNAGARI (local connections and support groups). Then, we will discuss what each of us living in the community can do toward the realization of CHIIKI KYOUSEI SHAKAI (community coexistence society).
※ This year’s lecture focuses more on loneliness and isolation compared to previous ones.