IGS Seminar will be held as follows.
■ Date and time: 8:45 – 10:15 on Friday, June 28, 2024
■ Venue: K305 lecture room, School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
■ Lecturer: Takehiro KAGAWA, Chairperson of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation and Secretary General of Mayors for Peace
■ Language: English
■ Abstract :
Language skill and outgoing personality are important elements of being global citizen, however, in order to make friendship, it is more significant for you to recognize and understand the identity of yourself and other people having different ideas, interests and cultural background. At the same time, we have commonality or common interests as human beings, and we are facing worldwide risks such as climate change and peace and stability.
Lecturer explains about various kinds of identity related issues, through his experiences as a diplomat, such as religion, race and culture in the Middle East and other parts of the world.
Lecturer would ask students about their views on how they think of identity issues. Living or studying in Hiroshima must be one of your own identities.