大学院人間社会科学研究科長 松見 法男

In April 2020, the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences reorganized its six graduate schools and 16 majors: Graduate Schools of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Letters, Education, International Development and Cooperation, and Law. This year marks our 5th year in the new configuration, which set forth with a system of 14 degree programs across four majors, and we are taking another step forward.
If you found an interesting research topic as an undergraduate student and would like to pursue it, or if you want to experience a professional field as a member of society and connect your awareness of real-world problems to research and advanced practice, please join us. All international students are also warmly welcomed.
I hope that you will be able to spend the “time” of your academic life together with research colleagues in the same field and area under the guidance of professors who conduct cutting-edge research and have solid educational foundation. We look forward to meeting you at either Saijo campus in Higashihiroshima City or Higashisenda campus in Hiroshima City.
NORIO Matsumi
Dean, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences