人間社会科学研究科 国際平和共生プログラム
片柳 真理 教授
講演者:Miho Taka博士 (Coventry University)、Huriye Yeröz博士 (De Montfort University)
日時:2023年7月20日(木)16:30~18:30 (日本時間)
Business Peacebuilding Potential
Minerals originating from the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have been blamed for sustaining violent conflict as conflict minerals over the past decades. Conflict minerals have been a key issue within the field of business and human rights, especially responsible supply chain management. The conflict minerals issue has created a significant shift in responsible supply chain management: extending producer responsibility to respect human rights in the total supply chain through establishing traceability and transparency as well as developing legally binding supply chain responsibility. This lecture discusses some efforts to source conflict-free minerals through human rights due diligence and explores whether and how business can contribute to conflict transformation and peacebuilding in the DRC.
Organizing for Peace
In this seminar, Dr. Huriye Yeröz will elaborate on the emerging stream of Entrepreneurship for Peace Studies, which aims for a critical interrogation of entrepreneurship studies, including migrant and refugee entrepreneurship, for how it has tended to privilege certain forms of engagement around positive economic and societal perspectives by and for the benefit of Global North. It seeks to extend entrepreneurship research horizons by highlighting the changing patterns and climate of migration and entrepreneurship, focusing on prevailing conflict and violence that informs the emergence and practice of refugee entrepreneurship. In this seminar, Huriye, in particular, will provide some insights from her ongoing research on Syrian refugee entrepreneurship in Turkey on how different entrepreneurial actors-refugee entrepreneurship support organizations, civil society organizations, and refugees themselves organize their activities in the context of ongoing conflict concerning Syrian Refugee entrepreneurship in Turkey.
人間社会科学研究科 国際平和共生プログラム
片柳 真理 教授
掲載日 : 2023年07月14日
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