人間社会科学研究科 国際平和共生プログラム
Dr Mari Katayanagi
題目:「Transnational Migration and Entrepreneurship: Livelihoods, Entrepreneurship and Xenophobia in South Africa」
講演者:Professor Shahid Vawda (University of Witwatersrand)
日時:2023年11月22日(水)18:10~19:40 (日本時間)
*This event is held in cooperation with the African Studies Center, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
Migration processes in the 21st century are a worldwide phenomenon deeply intertwined with complex social, economic, and political patterns and processes. Religious identity plays a significant role in the efforts of Malawian and Senegalese Muslim migrants to find solutions to their challenges of adaptation, integration, and assimilation in a new post 1994 environment in South Africa. This lecture explores whether their identities, particularly their religious, ethnic, and national identities, rather than normative values, provide them with the resources needed to succeed as entrepreneurs and workers in a different country. De Certeau's conceptual distinction between strategy and tactics serves as a framework for evaluating how Malawian and Senegalese migrants utilize religion and associated values to succeed or seek other alternatives.
人間社会科学研究科 国際平和共生プログラム
Dr Mari Katayanagi
掲載日 : 2023年11月16日
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