共創科学基盤センター ELSI講演会/ Center for Collaborative Sciences, ELSI Lecture





名称: 生命倫理から考えるELSI 入門


概要: ターミナルケア、生命・医療倫理、死生学、宗教倫理などの分野で世界的に高名なカール・ベッカー特任教授から、昨今、国内外で話題になっているELSI(倫理的・法的・社会的課題)の考え方について講演。


対象: 広島大学の教職員、研究員、学生


日時:  5月13日(火)午後4:30~6:00 




講師: 京都大学医学研究科 Carl B Becker特任教授 


定員: オンサイト:60名、オンライン:制限無し




申込: 以下のURL及び添付PDFのQRコードからお申込みください。


     URL: https://forms.office.com/r/BiRY4m1Yk3





We will hold the event as noted below. It will be conducted in a hybrid format, allowing both onsite and online participation. Pre-registration is required.




Title:ELSI in Bioethics


Overview: Renowned Professor Carl Becker, specializing in fields such as terminal care, bioethics, thanatology, and religious ethics, will deliver a lecture on the emerging topic of ELSI (Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications) that has garnered attention both domestically and internationally.


Audience: Faculty, researchers, and students of Hiroshima University


Date:May 13, Monday,  4:30 p.m. ~ 6:00 p.m.


Event format: Hybrid, with both onsite (Phoenix International Center,MIRAI CREA 1F) and online (via Zoom) .


Speaker:Dr. Carl B Becker,Specially Appointed Professor,Graduate School of Medicine,Kyoto University


Capacity: Onsite: 60 attendees, Online: Unlimited


Fee: Free of charge


Registration: Please apply via the URL below or the QR code in the attached PDF. [Deadline for same-day registration: 12:00 PM]

          URL: https://forms.office.com/r/BiRY4m1Yk3

          ※Zoom URL will be provided to participants



学術・社会連携室 未来共創科学研究本部 研究戦略部研究戦略グループ


E-mail: gakujutu-strategy@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
