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  • 【2024/5/15開催・対面・申込不要】ホライズン・ヨーロッパ EUプログラムと奨学金の紹介:キャリアマネジメントセミナー 開催のお知らせ / [15 May, In-Person in Saijo Campus] Introduction to Horizon Europe EU Funding and Fellowship Program : Career Management Seminar

【2024/5/15開催・対面・申込不要】ホライズン・ヨーロッパ EUプログラムと奨学金の紹介:キャリアマネジメントセミナー 開催のお知らせ / [15 May, In-Person in Saijo Campus] Introduction to Horizon Europe EU Funding and Fellowship Program : Career Management Seminar


この度、授業外の開催として、「ホライズン・ヨーロッパ EUプログラムと奨学金の紹介」と題する臨時セミナーを、追加開催することになりました。





HU Global Career Design Center has been holding the Career Management Seminar as a Graduate School Course for enrolment and auditing since this academic year.

It has now decided to hold an extra seminar, entitled 'Introduction to the Horizon Europe EU Programme and Scholarships', as an out-of-class event.

In this seminar, we will introduce Horizon Europe Funding Program regarding research exchange programs and postdoctoral systems for those currently enrolled in doctoral programs or those interested in research activities abroad or international research endeavors after completing their doctoral studies. We will explain methods and tips for applying to these programs.

*Participation by students currently registered for the 'Career Management Seminar' is not mandatory (non-attendance does not affect your attendance or grade in the course).


日時 / Date & Time:2024年5月15日(水) 16:15~16:45 / May 15 (Wed) 16:15-16:45

講師 / Lecturer :欧州連合日本代表部 / Delegation of the European Union to Japan

会場 / Venue:総合科学部 K210 / School of Integrated Arts and Sciences K210

使用言語 / Language:日本語・英語 / Japanese & English

参加申込 / Registration:不要(直接上記会場にお越し下さい)/ Not required (Please come directly)


広島大学グローバルキャリアデザインセンター (担当 田中)
Global Career Design Center (TANAKA KEIKO)
E-mail:wakateyousei(AT)office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp ※(AT)は半角の@に変換してください。
