【2023/07/03開催】第21回IPCセミナー「ʻWe Owned this Land Before the State was Establishedʼ」を開催します

IPC Seminar

題目:「ʻWe Owned this Land Before the State was Establishedʼ: The State, Traditional Authorities, and the Land Question in Africa」

講演者:Prof. Horman Chitonge (University of Cape Town)

日時:2023年7月3日(月)16:30~18:00 (日本時間)





Customary land governance is one of the most contentious land issues in Africa. As many African governments seek to reform land policies to respond to the challenges of increasing population, expanding economic activities and rapid urbanisation, the proposed reforms are often challenged by traditional leaders who see land policy reforms as a ploy to undermine their authority over customary land. In this seminar, I look at land policy reform challenges in Africa, focusing on the struggle between the state and traditional leaders over the control of customary land, in particular. While the state sometimes attempts to co-opt traditional leaders to support the reforms, this alliance often does not hold for long, especially when traditional leaders sense that their interests are being undermined by the proposed land policy reforms. This situation sometimes leads to contestations which often frustrate the formulation and implementation of land policy reforms in many countries on the continent.


人間社会科学研究科 国際平和共生プログラム

片柳 真理 教授





