ライティングセンターでは、名古屋大学教養教育院准教授、Mei-Writing (Department of Academic Writing)のDirectorでもあるLai先生による集中講義"English Academic Writing for Publication : 英語論文執筆のためのアカデミック・ライティング" を開講します(大学院共通科目)。名古屋大学ではレポート提出による選抜がある人気講義を、広島大学で受講できます。授業は、講義とグループワークを交えたアクティブな授業です。授業の詳細はシラバスから確認できます。
This is a highly interactive course! You will be asked a lot of questions, and you are encouraged to ask questions or give comments at ANYTIME! There will be plenty of lectures, class works, and group works. And all these activities will be implemented based on YOUR OWN RESEARCH!
Paul Wai Ling Lai (名古屋大学教養教育院 准教授、Director, Mei-Writing)
平成28年9月15日(木) - 16日(金) 9:00-16:30
中央図書館 ライブラリーホール
The primary goal of this course is to help graduate students, through a step-by-step training in logical thinking, develop the skills needed to write a clear and convincing academic paper for publication at a high international level. In the spring semester students will mainly learn how to develop a preliminary thesis statement (main research idea) for their respective research, and a logical argument for the thesis statement.
第1回 Introduction to logical thinking and academic writing. (Lecture)
第2回 A narrow but useful definition of academic writing. (Lecture)
第3回 The role of thesis statement in academic writing. (Lecture)
第4回 Step by step guide on how to build a thesis statement for your research. (Class & Group work)
第5回 Student presentation on Thesis Statement. (Student presentation)
第6回 Introduction to logic, and how logic can be applied to your research. (Lecture)
第7回 Step by step guide on how to build a logical argument for your research - Part 1. (Class & Group work)
第8回 Introduction to common logical fallacies. (Lecture)