ジャーナル出版のための原稿準備 -論文を書いたあとやるべき事-
【日時】2018年 8月 31日(金)13:30 ~ 15:30
【会場】中央図書館 ライブラリーホール
【対象】広島大学の研究者(大学院生可) ※ 新任教員研修プログラムの対象です
【講師】ギャビン・フルカワ, Ph.D. (上智大学 外国語学部、助教)
トッド・アレン, Ph.D. (ライティング・アドバイザー・フェロー)
What do you do when you finish writing your manuscript? Where do you publish your research? Have you made sure you adhere to the journal’s guidelines? These types of questions usually arise at the end stage of writing your manuscript. And while you might have finished the difficult part of your writing, you need to select the right journal, ensure it has been written in an appropriate style, and checked to make sure it adheres to the journal requirements. As such, this workshop will focus on the following topics:
- Selecting the right journal for your research.
- Finding the journal requirements and adhering to their guidelines.
- Making your article fit the journal (writing for the journal).
- Contacting the editor prior to submitting your manuscript (pre-submission inquiry).
- Editing and proofreading your manuscript.
This workshop is for graduate students and faculty who are trying to publish their research, and wanting to know more about the end stages of successful journal submissions. This will be an interactive session and you will need to bring a laptop/PC and a list of journals that you are interested in for future submission.
1:30pm - 2:25pm Part 1: The right journal for the right paper
2:25pm - 2:35pm Short break
2:35pm - 3:30pm Part 2: Editing and proofreading skills
学術室 研究企画室(ライティングセンター担当)
E-mail: wrc-research@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp