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Message from the President
Coupled with the founding principle of “a single unified university, free and pursuing peace”, Hiroshima University (HU) has continuously moved forward by upholding “the pursuit of peace” from the university’s Five Principles. As a university that is located in Hiroshima, where a nuclear weapon was used for the first time in history, we will embark on our own unique project, “THE PEACE PROJECT” which consists of various kinds of peace activities. HU also aims to cultivate “peace-pursuing, cultured individuals with an international mindset and a challenging spirit” to create a diversified, free and peaceful global community.
As part of “THE PEACE PROJECT”, we are planning to invite students from all over the world to Hiroshima for peace learning experiences on August 6th, when the atomic bomb was dropped. We hope that students who deepen their understanding of peace at our university will convey the respect for peace and contribute to the construction of world peace. Your donation will support our university’s various peace activities.
We appreciate your invaluable support.
Thank you.

Message from Supporters

Building a Pathway to Global Peace from Hiroshima University
HU Peace Study Tour
On August 6th, when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a very important day to pray for peace, we will invite students from our partner universities/institutions throughout the world to the Peace Study Tour. Hiroshima University (HU) has been holding International Network of Universities (INU) student seminars for over 10 years and about 80 students participate every year. In this seminar, students from universities who are members of INU are invited to attend the Peace Prayer Ceremony held in Hiroshima to feel the value of peace.
We also invite prominent guest speakers to provide more opportunities for students to think and discuss world peace through lectures, discussions and group work. The Peace Study Tour will expand this and invite more students from the partner universities/institutions around the world. We expect students who have completed this tour to play important roles in global society and emphasize the importance of the peace throughout the world.
HU Peace Education Plaza
As one of our peace-making projects, we are planning to build a “Peace Foundation Plaza” where everyone can get together, broaden their understanding and have free access to educational resources on the topic of peace. The students who visit Hiroshima for the Peace Study Tour can also use this facility.
Each donation of US$10,000 will sponsor one student ambassador invited to the “Peace Study Tour” from our international partner institutions with your corporate name embedded. The students will be notified about their sponsors and you will be invited to an event to interact with those students.