Program of Medicine(Doctoral Course)

The program cultivates the following personnel:

  1. Educators / researchers who can acquire comprehensive knowledge and highly-specialized clinical competency, while playing academic・international leadership roles
  2. Advanced medical professionals who can develop and apply the forefront of medical technologies in response to the demands of the times
  3. Educators / researchers who can play an important role in promoting advanced medical innovations on cancer, genome disease, neuropsychiatric disorder, and tissue regeneration, focused on discovery of seeds, establishment of disease models and development of treatments, after establishing education and research based on clinical methodologies for 3 respective fields of medicine, dentistry and pharmaceutical sciences in stages, and translating the studies into clinical trials
  4. Educators and researchers who can conduct applied research involved in basic, clinical and social medicines that respond to the needs of the society, and widely develop the research from local to global communities, reflecting the fundamental research achievements above

Personnel Development

The program aims to cultivate the following personnel:

  • Educators / researchers who can acquire comprehensive knowledge and highly-specialized clinical competency on medicine, taking academic・international leadership roles 
  • Advanced medical professionals who can develop and apply the forefront of medical technologies in response to the demands of the times

Education / Research Objectives

In order to cultivate the personnel above, the program aims to provide opportunities to acquire the following skills:

  • Ability to plan / conduct research with a wide range of knowledge on high leveled bioethics and social contribution
  • Ability to promote research for diagnosis and therapy development equipped with informatics and technology related to specialized knowledge and medical care on clinical oncology including drug treatment
  • Ability to transmit research achievements to the world
  • Ability to develop fundamental / applied studies on life and medical sciences equipped with knowledge and accurate skills on analysis technologies for basic / advanced research

Career Paths after Completion

  1. Highly skilled doctors equipped with advanced medical skills
  2. Advanced medical care professionals who practice at medical institutions inside and outside Japan
  3. Institutional / corporate researchers involved in life and medical sciences inside and outside Japan
  4. Forefront clinical researchers who practice at medical institutions inside and outside Japan
  5. Academic staff
