Alumni:Gotaro KAWASAKI(Ministry of Foreign Affairs dispatched by Yokohama City)

G.ecbo internship: Paris office of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC)in AY2007

Eight years have passed since I interned at the JBIC. Recently, I’ve been working at the Global Environment Division of the Foreign Ministry as a trainee, dispatched by the International Affairs Bureau of Yokohama City. My specialties are forests and the atmosphere. I often have chances to make national announcements at international conferences. I still cannot believe that I deliver speeches in English as a member of diplomatic mission .

(At the International Conference on the Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality The United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC) in Bangkok.)

Opportunities in which you take advantage of your internship experience/ what you learned via the program?  

In the internship program, I had opportunities to make documents and materials for the Paris office and observe schools in the dessert areas of Morocco. Through those experiences, I learned ordinary but essential elements in a job; preparing easy-to-understand materials and providing clear explanations, walking around neighborhoods and communicating with local people, having meals with friends and coworkers in a peaceful atmosphere.  I still keep those in mind and try to practice them.  What I learned in the internship makes me what I am now. Words cannot express my appreciation to all of those who supported me!

Please describe your seven years at work in one phrase. 

I'll say “trial and error". 
I may cause trouble because of "errors".
