Taiki NII (DENSO Inc.)

Department of Quantum Matter, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter

Interned at Griffith University, Australia(July-Aug. 2014)


1) G.ecbo Internship and Job Hunting

Purpose of the internship and outline of the research

To make progress in my research and to improve my English communication abilities.

Event which left an impression

An academic paper by my supervisor, Micheal A. Hall, appeared in the Japanese news. His argument was that "strange phenomena observed in quantum matter could be caused by the intervention of a world other than the one in which we live". Professor Michael A. Hall kindly provided me with an explanation in person.

Reason why you chose DENSO Inc.

The company will spend human resources and financial resources on research activities. They encourage young researchers to conduct proactive research.

Future challenges

I would like to conduct research on future technologies, which will be helpful and at the same time be exciting.

2) Advantages of the G.ecbo program and advice

First of all, students looking for a job should differentiate themselves from others, obtaining distinctive experience that other students do not have. Based on the unique experience, they need to explain what they are like.

How studying abroad is an advantage varies depending on one's specialty. Without their supervisors recommending them to do so, students in scientific fields rarely have a chance to study abroad because they need to conduct research. As a result, few students who major in the sciences have experience abroad. In this case, studying abroad is an advantage. One the other hand, many students in the humanities experience study abroad. So, in their case, studying abroad is not an advantage.

The G.ecbo Program is unique, so you can differentiate yourself  whether you are a science major or humanity major !

The G.ecbo program is valuable not only for students majoring science but also students in the humanities. Generally, students in the humanities study abroad in order to improve their language skills or experience international communication. On the other hand, in the G.ecbo program, participants conduct research based on their purpose. So, the participants can take advantage of this experience in their job hunting.

If you deliver your self-introduction based on what you learn in G.ecbo, you could successfully explain yourself.

For example, "Experience in working with local people"="English ability + communication ability". "Providing detailed information on research activity"="Working hard to deal with difficult tasks".

While every company has its own criteria of the ideal employees, G.ecbo participants can flexibly explain their strong points based on their experiences. That is a big advantage. It's insufficient just to say, "I am a wonderful person". You need to provide evidence based on your own experience.

For those who will start job hunting, job hunting is a good chance to glimpse companies' policies. Enjoy!
