International Exchange

Contact Information

If you should have any questions, please include the following information to help us better answer your questions.

- Name
- Nationality
- Current Occupation (the Name of your University or Place of Employment)
- Desired Field of Study
- Desired Academic Advisor (if decided)
- Desired Course in Hiroshima University (ex. Undergraduate Course, Research Student, Master Course, Doctoral Course, Specialist Studies Course, etc)
- Contact Information (E-mail address, Telephone number, Fax number)

* When sending email to the following addresses, please replace * with @.


School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Support Office for the fields of Integrated Arts and Sciences
TEL +81-82-424-6315
Email: souka-gaku-sien*

School of Letters
Support Office for the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences (Letters)
TEL +81-82-424-6613
Email: bun-gaku-sien*

School of Education
Support Office for the fields of Education
TEL +81-82-424-6725
Email: kyoiku-gakusi*

School of Law
Higashi-Senda Area Support Office
TEL +81-82-542-6998
Email: senda-gaku-sien*

School of Economics
Support Office for the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences (Law and Economics)
TEL +81-82-424-7217
Email: syakai-gaku-sien*

School of Science
Support Office for the fields of Science
TEL +81-82-424-7309
Email: ri-gaku-sien*

School of Medicine
International Office, Kasumi Campus
TEL +81-82-257-1705
Email: kasumi-kokusai*

School of Dentistry
International Office, Kasumi Campus
TEL +81-82-257-1705
Email: kasumi-kokusai*

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
International Office, Kasumi Campus
TEL +81-82-257-1705
Email: kasumi-kokusai*

School of Engineering
Support Office for the fields of Engineering
TEL +81-82-424-7515
Email: kou-gaku-gakubu*

School of Applied Biological Science
Support Office for the fields of Biosphere Science
TEL +81-82-424-7915
Email: sei-gaku-sien*

School of Informatics and Data Science
Support Office for the fields of Engineering
TEL +81-82-424-7611
Email: kou-gaku-gakubu*

Graduate Schools

Humanities and Social Sciences
・Humanities Program
   Support Office for the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences (Letters)
 TEL +81-82-424-6615
 Email: bun-gaku-sien*

・Law and Politics Program
    Higashi-Senda Area Support Office
    TEL +81-82-542-7045
    Email: senda-daigakuin*

・Economics Program
    Support Office for the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences(Law and Economics)
    TEL +81-82-424-7189
    Email: syakai-gaku-sien*

・Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
   Support Office for the fields of Integrated Arts and Sciences
 TEL +81-82-424-6316
 Email: souka-gaku-sien*

・Psychology/Educational Design for Teacher Educators/Educational Studies/Teaching Japanese as a Second Language/Professional Development Program for Teachers and School Leaders
   Support Office for the fields of Education
 TEL +81-82-424-3706
 Email: kyoiku-in*

・International Peace and Co-existence/International Economic Development/International Education Development Program
   Support Office for the fields of International Development and Cooperation
 TEL +81-82-424-5902
 Email: koku-gaku*

・Management Sciences Program
   Higashi-Senda Area Support Office
 TEL +81-82-542-6962
 Email: senda-daigakuin*

・Program for Law Practice Professionals
   Higashi-Senda Area Support Office
 TEL +81-82-542-7087
 Email: houmu-gaku-sien*

Advanced Science and Engineering
・Mathematics/Physics/Earth and Planetary Systems Science/Chemistry Program
   Support Office for the fields of Science
 TEL +81-82-424-7309
 Email: ri-gaku-sien*

・Applied Chemistry/Chemical Engineering/Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Architecture/Transportation and Environmental Systems/Civil and Environmental Engineering/Informatics and Data Science/Smart innovation Program
   Support Office for the fields of Engineering
 TEL +81-82-424-7518
 Email: kou-gaku-daigakuin*

・Quantum Matter Program
   Support Office for the fields of Science (AdSM)
 TEL +81-82-424-7008
 Email: sentan-gaku-sien*

・Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program (Environmental and Natural Sciences Field)
   Support Office for the fields of Integrated Arts and Sciences 
 TEL +81-82-424-6316
 Email: souka-gaku-sien*

・Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program (Development Science Field)
   Support Office for the fields of International Development and Cooperation 
 TEL +81-82-424-5902
 Email: koku-gaku*

Integrated Sciences for Life
・Program of Biotechnology
   Support Office for the fields of Science (AdSM) 
 TEL +81-82-424-7008
 Email: sentan-gaku-sien*

・Program of Food and AgriLife Science/Bioresource Science
   Support Office for the fields of Biosphere Science
 TEL +81-82-424-7908
 Email: sei-daigakuin-sien*

・Program of Life and Environmental Sciences
   Support Office for the fields of Integrated Arts and Sciences
 TEL +81-82-424-6316
 Email: souka-gaku-sien*

・Program of Basic Biology/Mathematical and Life Sciences/Biomedical Science
   Support Office for the fields of Science
 TEL +81-82-424-7309
 Email: ri-gaku-sien*

Biomedical and Health Sciences
   International Office, Kasumi Campus
 TEL +81-82-257-1705
 Email: kasumi-kokusai*

Innovation and Practice for Smart Society
   Support Office for the fields of International Development and Cooperation
   TEL +81-82-424-5902
   Email: Smart-society*
