Introduction of department
The department is the largest and the busiest diagnostic radiology department in Hiroshima prefecture. It employs 17 diagnostic radiologists 14 of whom are board-certified. Our full complement of modern imaging systems includes digital radiography and mammography, angiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, positron emission computed tomography, and nuclear medicine. We provide advanced imaging services of the highest quality and make every effort to reduce the radiation exposure to as low as reasonably achievable levels during diagnostic X-ray imaging. The Department of Diagnostic Radiology also delivers image-guided minimally invasive therapies (Interventional Radiology).
Research content
Ours is one of the most active academic diagnostic radiology departments in Japan.
Currently we focus on perfusion CT studies of abdominal organs and the heart, dual-energy CT of the brain, EOB of enhanced hepatic MR, ASL-MR imaging of the brain, and coronary CT angiography. In ongoing studies we are using iterative reconstruction to investigate the possibility of further reductions in the radiation dose delivered at CT, and we are examining the effect of radiation on human DNA and the pharmacokinetics of contrast materials used for CT and MR imaging.