Department of Pediatrics

Introduction of department

The department of Pediatrics provide healthcare services for physical and mental conditions in children from infancy through adolescence. In our department, 25 pediatricians have each special field, such as hematology, oncology, immunology, neonatology, metabolic disease, neurology, endocrinology, allergology, rheumatology, cardiology, nephrology, and psychology. In addition, we are also engaged in patients' with other serious illness diseases. Not only medicine but dentistry, pharmacy, and health study are unified by Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima University.
We are also advancing pediatric care, cooperating with medical staff of many occupational descriptions in connection with a child, such as pediatrics, child health, development psychology, a psychological clinic, education, and childcare.

Research content

In the area of research, it is advancing focusing on hemato-oncological basic research and clinical study.
There are several ongoing clinical studies concerning, in particular, hematological malignancy and primary immunodificiency.
Basic research projects focus on several subjects: neutrophil disease, primary immunodificiency, hematopoietic stem cell, metabolic disease.

Treatment achievements

year 2013
number of inpatients 379
hematology 40
hematological malignancy 54
(new patient) 12
solid tumor 105
(new patient) 24
donor for bone marrow transplantation 17
neurology 93
endocronology 34
rheumatology 22
psychology 6
neonate (exclude NICU) 3
cardiology 1
stem sell transplantation 24
