Centers of Excellence

The COEs at self-sustained stage are research groups whose research areas are unique to Hiroshima University, and which have continued to conduct their outstanding research activities in a self-sustained manner with the existing external funding, and which are expected to become long-term hallmarks of Hiroshima University.  The amount of the university’s financial support provided for these COEs at self-sustained stage is decided after they are formally identified as COEs at self-sustained stage.  The university supports these COEs for five years with 3-year mid-term evaluation.  After the support period is expired, the revision or abolition of the university’s support will be decided by the 5-year evaluation

2022 Appointees

2021-2025 Appointees

2020-2024 Appointees

2019-2023 Appointees

2017-2022 Appointees

2016-2022 Appointees

2015-2024 Appointees

2014-2023 Appointees

Past Appointees

  • Research Center for Genome Editing
