"Hiroshima University 75-Year History: Comprehensive Edition" (Japanese Page) (PDF: 47.69MB)
Edited by the Hiroshima University 75-Year History Compilation Committee and the Compilation Office.
Published by Hiroshima University on November 5, 2024.

"Hiroshima University 70th Anniversary Photo Collection" (Japanese Page) (PDF: 4.96MB)
Edited and published by the Hiroshima University 75-Year History Compilation Committee, the Technical Committee and the Compilation Office.
Published on February 21, 2020.

"The History of Hiroshima University" (Japanese Page) (PDF: 4.61MB)
Edited and published by the Hiroshima University Archives.
The revised fourth edition issued on September 30, 2015.

The Hiroshima University Archives (HUA) is the archives organization of Hiroshima University. The purpose of the HUA is to organize and store documents important to the university and to collect, organize, store and disclose resources related to the university's history, as well as to engage in educational research on related fields.