Social Cooperation

Systems of Collaboration 2

04 Collaborative Research Laboratory, Collaborative Research Division

Hiroshima University aims at maintaining a long-term foundation for industry-academia collaboration inside the university and achieving the further enhancement of university research and greater contribution to the industry.

Key characteristics
The University and companies jointly operate collaborative research laboratories based on mutual consultation.

  • Appropriate research staff are assigned.
  • Research themes and periods are set in view of commercial application of the results.
  • Associated intellectual properties and achievements are shared.

Advantages of Collaborative Research Laboratory

Advantages for both parties

  • Communication among researchers involved in collaborative research and with other researchers in the university is enhanced, enabling the concentration of broader knowledge and insights, the acceleration of research, and the understanding of important social needs associated with the selected themes.
  • The acquisition of external funds for necessary research and development becomes easier.

Advantages for industry

  • Flexible research focused on the company’s business, products and technology strategy can be promoted.
  • Better access to the university facilities and equipment are ensured.
  • Industry-academia personnel exchange can be enhanced, contributing to human resources development.
  • Fundamental research to develop seeds for future business opportunities can be easily initiated in the collaborative research laboratory.
  • Flexible personnel utilization, such as dispatching corporate researchers to the collaborative research laboratory, is enabled.

Outline of the Collaborative Research Laboratory system

Research fields All fields, including social sciences and humanities, life science, science, and engineering, or their interdisciplinary fields. All divisions of Hiroshima University, such as graduate schools, research institutes, and hospital, are eligible.
Name An appropriate name, either “XXX Collaborative Research Laboratory” or “XXX Collaborative Research Division,” should be selected according to the research theme. The name may indicate the sponsor company if requested.
Organization A Collaborative Research Laboratory consists of at least one Professor, Associate Professor, Lecturer, or Assistant Professor. Part-time staff may be accepted if necessary.
Location A location inside Hiroshima University designated by the division concerned
Duration Two to five years. Extension is possible.
Research expenses In addition to the ordinary expenses for collaborative research (facilities, supplies and travel costs), usage fees for the laboratory location, payments to research staff, and maintenance costs for intellectual properties shall be borne by the sponsor company.


Difference from other systems

Research Research
Appointed Not appointed Appointed
Fund Collaborative
research fund
research fund
Sharing of
results with
Yes Yes No


Steps to opening a Collaborative Research Laboratory
