Social Cooperation

Collaborative Research Laboratory, Collaborative Research Division


“Collaborative Research Laboratory” system has been established to locate a research laboratory inside Hiroshima University jointly with external enterprises. The system is designed for university researchers and corporate researchers to conduct a research on a common theme on equal footing basis for superior research outcome aiming at commercialization.
With this new system, Hiroshima University aims at maintaining a long-term foundation for industry-academia collaboration inside the university and achieving further enhancement of university research and greater contribution to the industry.

Advantages of Collaborative Research Laboratory

Advantages for both parties

  • Increased communication among researchers involved in a collaborative research and with other researchers in the university enables concentration of broader knowledge and insights, acceleration of research and understanding of important social needs associated with the selected theme.
  • Facilitates acquisition of external funds on the research and development.

Advantages for industry

  • Promotes flexible research focused on the company’s business, product and technology strategy.
  • Provides better access to the university facilities and equipment.
  • Enhances the industry-academia personnel exchange leading to personnel development.
  • Initiates fundamental research with the university for future business opportunities.
  • Flexible personnel utilization such as assignment of corporate researchers seconded to the collaborative research laboratory.


Research Fields All fields covering social sciences and humanities, life science, science and engineering,and their interdisciplinary field. Any division is applicable within the university such as graduate schools, research institutes and Hospital.
Name XXX Collaborative Research Laboratory or XXX Collaborative Research Division depending on the division concerned. An appropriate name should be selected to correspond to the research content and a title elucidating a sponsor company is possible if requested.
Organization Faculty of Collaborative Research Laboratory includes at least one full-time or regular-time Professor, Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor. Part-time staff is accepted it required.
Location Inside Hiroshima University as designated by the division concerned
Duration 2 to 5 years. Extention is feasible.
Research Expenses In addition to the ordinany expenses incurred for the collaborative research (facilities, supplies and travel costs), rental fee for the laboratory, personnel costs for researchers and maintenance fee for jointly owned intellectual properties shall be borne by the sponsor company

Difference from other systems

Endowed Chair System is operated mainly by the university.
Conventional collaborative research remains as a research activity exclusively for the individual research theme.

Research Research
Appointed Not appointed Appointed
Fund Collaborative
Research Fund
Research Fund
Sharing of
Results with
Yes Yes No

Process for Collaborative Research Laboratory Establishment

Rules of Hiroshima University Collaborative Research Laboratory and Collaborative Research Division
