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  • [February 28, 2023] Elsevier "Cancer Cell" Editor Online Workshop

[February 28, 2023] Elsevier "Cancer Cell" Editor Online Workshop

We are pleased to announce that the Elsevier "Cancer Cell" Editor Online Workshop will be held as shown below. Please take this opportunity to hear directly from an editor of a top journal to learn how to publish in high impact factor journals such as "Cancer Cell".


Elsevier "Cancer Cell" Editor Online Workshop
"Meet the Editor – Publishing with Cancer Cell"

【Date & Time】 9:00 - 10:30, Tuesday, February 28

【Participation】 Zoom

【Registration】 https://forms.office.com/r/Q8itps7jQB

① Opening remarks (5 min)
② Presentation by the Scientific Editor of the journal Cancer Cell, Dr. Montse Rojo de la Vega (30 min)
 ・The publication process unique to the Cell Press series
 ・What Cancer Cell is looking for and tips on how to get your paper accepted for publication
 ・Key trends in the field of cancer research and oncology in the world, etc.
③ (Mock) Abstract Evaluation interactive session (40 min)
The editor shows real examples of papers submitted to Cancer Cell. Attendees comment on whether they think those papers are for Cancer Cell. After discussion, the ones that were published by the journal and the ones that were transferred to sister journals are revealed.
④ Q & A session (15 min)

Basic Information About Cancer Cell:

Cancer Cell provides a high-profile forum to promote major advances in cancer research and oncology. The primary criterion for considering manuscripts is whether the studies provide major advances into answering important questions relevant to naturally occurring cancers. Cancer Cell particularly welcomes translational research.

Cancer Cell is also interested in publishing clinical investigations, in particular those that lead to establishing new paradigms in the treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of cancers; those that provide important insights into cancer biology beyond what has been revealed by preclinical studies; and those that are mechanism-based proof-of-principle clinical studies.


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