Higashi-Hiroshima campus

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Campus location
campus location

Getting to Higashi-Hiroshima campus

You can travel to and from Higashi-Hiroshima campus by train, bullet train, bus, or taxi.

From Hiroshima station

From Higashi Hiroshima station

From Hiroshima Airport


Note: There are nine bus stops around Higashi-Hiroshima campus. Please check this page to locate the closest bus stop to your destination.

*The "Green Phoenix" highway bus service, which previously connected the Hiroshima Bus Center to the Higashi-Hiroshima Campus, has been discontinued as of March 31, 2024.

By train

Higashihiroshima station is the closest Shinkansen station to the campus. Please note that Shinkansen Nozomi does not stop at Higashihiroshima station. There are very limited public transportation services available from Higashihiroshima station, please make sure to check the bus timetable beforehand or take a taxi to the campus.

Saijo station is the closest train station, about 40 minutes train ride away from Hiroshima. You can travel to Hiroshima by Shinkansen and transfer to the local train to Saijo.

From Higashihiroshima station to Higashi-Hiroshima campus

By bus

Expected travel time

about 15 min.


380 yen

By taxi

Expected travel time

about 15 min.


about 2,000 yen

There are nine bus stops around Higashi-Hiroshima campus. Please check this page to locate the closest bus stop to your destination.

From Hiroshima station to Saijo station

Expected travel time

about 40 min.


590 yen

From Saijo station to Higashi-Hiroshima campus

By bus from bus stop No. 3
Timetable (in Japanese)

Expected travel time

about 20 min.


290 yen

*There are nine bus stops around Higashi-Hiroshima campus. Please check this page to locate the closest bus stop to your destination.

By taxi

Expected travel time

about 15 min.


about 2,000 yen

By air (from Hiroshima Airport)

Hiroshima Airport is the closest airport. Please refer to the Hiroshima Airport website for flight schedules. There are two ways to get to Higashi-Hiroshima campus from the airport.

1. By Airport Limousine and local bus

Airport Limousine from Hiroshima Airport to JR Saijo station (Timetable)

Expected travel time

about 25 min.


660 yen

From Saijo station to Higashi-Hiroshima campus

By bus from bus stop No. 3
Timetable (in Japanese)

Expected travel time

about 20 min.


290 yen

*There are nine bus stops around Higashi-Hiroshima campus. Please check this page to locate the closest bus stop to your destination.

By taxi

Expected travel time

about 15 min.


about 2,000 yen

2. By bus and train

Local bus from Hiroshima Airport to JR Shiraichi station (Timetable)

Expected travel time

about 15 min.


400 yen

From Shiraichi station to Saijo station

Expected travel time

about 10 min.


200 yen

From Saijo station to Higashi-Hiroshima campus

By bus from bus stop No. 3
Timetable (in Japanese)

Expected travel time

about 20 min.


290 yen

Note: There are nine bus stops around Higashi-Hiroshima campus. Please check this page to locate the closest bus stop to your destination.

By taxi

Expected travel time

about 15 min.


about 2,000 yen
