Employment Report(2018)

As of March, 2018

Employment Statistics by Function

<Undergraduates and Postgraduates> Total number of employed (Undergraduates): 1,316 / Total number of employed (Postgraduates): 923
Type of occupation Undergraduates Postgraduates
Professional and engineering workers Researchers 1 38
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery engineers 12 23
Manufacturing engineers (development) Machinery 36 92
Electrical 3 40
Chemical 13 83
Other  2 33
Manufacturing engineers (except development) Machinery 10 20
Electrical 4 14
Chemistry 3 8
Other  2 6
Architects / Civil engineers / Surveyors 48 59
Data processing and Communication engineers 37 62
Other engineers 20 47
Teachers Kindergarten - 1
Elementary school 100 9
Junior high school 31 23
Senior high school 61 46
Secondary educational school 1 -
Vocational school teachers - -
Junior college - -
University professors - 15
Special needs education school 19 3
Other 2 -
Doctors, Dental surgeons, Veterinary surgeons, Pharmacists Doctors / Dental surgeons 1 6
Veterinary surgeons - -
Pharmacists 32 2
Public health nurses / Midwives / Nurses 51 13
Medical technicians 70 9
Other health care workers Nutritionists - 1
Others 2 4
Artists, Photographers, Designers, Musicians, Stage designers 2 3
Other specialist professionals 39 46
Administrative and managerial workers 1 4
Clerical workers 662 196
Sales workers 26 2
Service workers 17 7
Security workers 3 -
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery workers Agriculture, Forestry workers - -
Fishery workers - -
Manufacturing process workers 3 6
Transport and machine operation workers 1 1
Construction and mining workers - -
Carrying, Cleaning, and related workers - -
Others 1 1
Grand total  1,316 923

Employment Statistics by Industry

<Undergraduates and Postgraduates> Total number of employed (Undergraduates): 1,316 / Total number of employed (Postgraduates): 923
Type of industry Undergraduates Postgraduates
Agriculture, Forestry 2 2
Fisheries - -
Mining, Quarrying of Stone and Gravel 1 1
Construction 54 41
Manufacturing Food, Beverages, Tobacco, Feed 30 37
Textile products 2 5
Printing and allied industries 5 2
Chemical and allied products, Petroleum and coal products 26 86
Iron, Steel, Non-ferrous metals and products    11 26
General-purpose, Production, and Business oriented machinery 28 53
Electronic parts, Devices, Electronic circuits  7 29
Electric machinery, Information and communication electronics equipment 18 50
Transportation equipment 37 74
Others 17 41
Electricity, Gas, Heat supply, and Water 20 31
Information and Communications  101 76
Transport and Postal services 18 12
Wholesale and retail trade Wholesale trade 32 18
Retail trade 52 14
Finance and insurance Finance 75 10
Insurance 39 2
Real estate, Goods rental and leasing Real estate agencies, Real estate lessors and managers 22 3
Goods rental and leasing 3 2
Scientific research, Professional and technical services Scientific and development research institutes 2 8
Judicial affairs 2 1
Other professional and technical services 50 47
Accommodations, Eating and drinking services 3 7
Living-related and Personal services, Amusement services 11 5
Education, Learning support School education 226 111
Miscellaneous education, Learning support 19 12
Medical, Health care and Welfare Medical and other health services, Public health and hygiene 144 27
Social insurance, Social welfare and care services 5 2
Compound services 5 4
Services Religion  2 -
Miscellaneous services  33 14
Government National government services 88 38
Local government services 125 31
Others 1 1
Grand total  1,316 923

Employment Statistics by Prefecture

<Undergraduates and Postgraduates>
Prefecture Undergraduate Postgraduate


Teacher Commercial


Hokkaido - 1 1 4  1  1
Aomori -  -  - -  -  -
Iwate  -  -  -  -  -  -
Miyagi -  -  -  -  -  -
Akita  -  -  -  -  -  -
Yamagata  -  -  -  -  -  -
Fukushima -  -  -  1  -  -
Ibaraki -  1  - 1  - -
Tochigi  -  - - -  -  -
Gunma 1  1 1 -  - -
Saitama 4 1  - - -  -
Chiba 14  1 - 1 - -
Tokyo 318 19 1 308 6 1
Kanagawa 16 - 1 25 -  1
Niigata      1  1  - -  - -
Toyama - - - 1  - -
Ishikawa 1 1 - -  -  -
Fukui 1 2 4 1  - 2
Yamanashi 2  -  -  -  -  -
Nagano 2  - - 4  - -
Gifu 2 1 4 1  - -
Shizuoka 8 3 1 13 2 3
Aichi 24 6 5 33 - 1
Mie 2 2 2 4 - -
Shiga  3  - 8 - - -
Kyoto 8 2 2 21 - 1
Osaka 95 1 2 85  - 2
Hyogo 18 8 6 27 2 3
Nara 2  - - 1  1 1
Wakayama - 1 8  - 1 -
Tottori 3 2 5 3 1 2
Shimane 5 6 7 1  3 5
Okayama 20 6 8 5 - 3
Hiroshima 237 89 66 125 16 32
Yamaguchi 13 9 9 7 2 3
Tokushima 1 2 2 4 - -
Kagawa 8 9 10 12 - 3
Ehime 10 4 10 9  - 4
Kochi 2 2 - -  - -
Fukuoka 38 16 19 14  1 4
Saga - 2 6 1 - -
Nagasaki 3 4 5 - - 1
Kumamoto 3 3 2 3 1 1
Oita 3 8 9 3 1 4
Miyazaki 2 2 4  - -  1
Kagoshima 5 5 3 - - 2
Okinawa - 3  1  1  -  -
Other regions 3 - 2 32 37 16
Total 878 224 214 751 75 97

*Postgraduates in the figure refers to the people who have compleded their postgraduate programs (Master's Course and First Semester of Doctoral Course)
