◆March 25
The Academic Year 1997 degree awarding ceremony was held.
◆April 1
A doctoral course (quantum matter, molecular biotechnology) was established at the Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter (Cabinet Order No. 69 of 1998).
The Department of Physics and the Department of Material Science of the Faculty of Science were reorganized into the Department of Physical Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 8 of 1998).
The Health Sciences Major (doctoral course) was established at the Graduate School of Medical Science (Notice Bun-Ko-Dai No. 113 of 1998).
The Department of Module Life Function Science of the Graduate School of Engineering was closed (Notice Bun-Ko-Dai No. 113 of 1998).
◆April 8
The Academic Year 1998 entrance ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park, and 3,097 students were admitted to faculties, 26 students to advanced courses, and 1,144 students to graduate schools.
◆April 9
The following divisions and subjects were established at the Department of Physical Science of the Faculty of Science: Theoretical Particle Physics, Fluid Physics, Solid-State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Interface Material Science, Metallic Material Science, Radiation Material Science, Optical Properties of Solids, and Physical Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 22 of 1998).
The Division of Basic Science of Matter and the Division of Biomolecular and Biofunctional Chemistry were established at the Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter (Ministerial Ordinance No. 22 of 1998).
The Division of Biomolecular and Biofunctional Chemistry of the Graduate School of Engineering was renamed the Division of Human Information Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 22 of 1998).
The Administration Department of International Cooperation Studies was established at the Graduate School of International Development and Cooperation (Ministerial Ordinance No. 21 of 1998).
A Department of Endoscopy was established at the central clinic of the University Hospital (Directive No. 15 of 1998).
The Administration Department of the Faculty of Science was reorganized into an Administration Department in charge of the Faculty of Science and other faculties.
The Administration Departments of the Faculty of Education and of the Faculty of School Education were integrated into the Administration Department of Educational Faculties.
◆April 24
An entrance ceremony for the Department of Quantum Matter and the Department of Molecular Biotechnology of the Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter (the first stage of the doctoral course) was held, and 128 students (including 113 students from other graduate schools) were admitted.
◆May 1
The Student Job Placement Center was established (Hiroshima University Rule No. 64 of 1998).
◆June 9
A Clean Room building (2,506.33 square meters) of the Research Center for Nanodevices and Systems was completed.
◆June 26
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Tomsk Polytechnic University, the Russian Federation.
◆August 6
The 25th Memorial Service for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb was held.
◆October 7
Science education inspectors conducted an on-site inspection of the Faculty of Science and the Graduate School of Science.
◆March 12
A ceremony to commemorate the completion of a new research building of the Research Center for Nanodevices and Systems was held.
◆March 25
The Academic Year 1998 degree awarding ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park.
3,237 undergraduate course graduates
26 advanced course graduates
985 master’s course graduates (including graduates of the first stage of doctoral courses)
150 doctoral course graduates
68 Ph. Ds by thesis
◆March 29
A stable (120 square meters) and a wash stall (25.5 square meters) were completed.
◆April 1
Professor Taizo Muta (Faculty of Science) and Professor Hidetoshi Seiwa (Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences) were appointed as vice presidents.
The Research Center for Regional Economics was closed as initially scheduled, and the Center for Research on Regional Economic Systems was established as a unit affiliated with the Faculty of Economics (Ministerial Ordinance No. 12 of 1999).
Upon the reorganization (partial prioritization) of the Graduate School of Science, the following divisions and subjects were established at the respective departments of the Faculty of Science and at the Graduate School of Science: the subject of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics; Divisions of Theoretical Particle Physics, Fluid Physics, Solid-State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Metallic Material Science, Radiation Material Science, Optical Properties of Solids, and Physical Science at the Department of Physical Science; the Subject of Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry; Divisions of Developmental Biology, Protistology, Molecular Physiology, Taxonomy and Ecology, Functional Biochemistry, and Cell Biology, and a Subject of Biological Science at the Department of Biological Science; and Divisions of Algebra, Geometry and Topology, Mathematical Analysis, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Molecular Structure Chemistry, Molecular Reaction Chemistry, Mathematical Computation Science, and Life Science at the Graduate School of Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 13 of 1999).
The Division of Pharmacotherapy was established at the Graduate School of Medical Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 13 of 1999).
The Division of Modeling and Management of Environmental Dynamics and the Division of Environmental Management were established at the Graduate School of Biosphere Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 13 of 1999).
At the Graduate School of Science, the Department of Mathematics, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Gene Science were reorganized into the Department of Mathematics, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Mathematical and Life Sciences (Notice Bun-Ko-Dai No. 113 of 1999).
A doctoral course of the Clinical Pharmacy Major was established as an independent major at the Graduate School of Medical Science (Notice Bun-Ko-Dai No. 113 of 1999).
A doctoral course of the Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management was established as an independent major at the Graduate School of Biosphere Science (Notice Bun-Ko-Dai No. 113 of 1999).
The Special Course for Special Education (education for the mentally retarded) was renamed the Special Course for Special Education (education for the intellectually disabled) (Notice Gaku-Ko No. 10-3 of 1998).
◆April 8
The Academic Year 1999 entrance ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park, and 2,859 students were admitted to faculties, 36 students to advanced courses, and 1,287 students to graduate schools.
◆August 6
The 26th Memorial Service for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb was held.
◆November 5
The commemoration ceremony and celebration gathering for 50th anniversary of Hiroshima University were held at the West Gymnasium.
◆November 30
Nursing and health education inspectors conducted an on-site inspection of the School of Health Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine and the Health Sciences Major of the Graduate School of Medical Science.
◆December 6
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Warsaw Agricultural University, the Republic of Poland.
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Universitas Brawijaya, the Republic of Indonesia.
◆March 8
The relocated Institute of History of Medicine was opened.
◆March 24
The Academic Year 1999 degree awarding ceremony was held.
◆April 1
The Faculty of Education and the Faculty of School Education were reorganized into a new Faculty of Education (Cabinet Order No. 165 of 2000).
The Graduate School of Education and the Graduate School of School Education were reorganized into a new Graduate School of Education (Cabinet Order No. 165 of 2000).
The Graduate School of Science was reorganized (prioritized), so as to ensure cooperation between the Graduate School of Science and the Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter for the implementation of education and research at the Faculty of Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 27 of 2000).
The Research Institute of Early Childhood Education affiliated with the Faculty of Education, as well as the Center for School Education Research and Development and the Center for School Education of Children with Disabilities affiliated with the Faculty of School Education, were transferred to the new Faculty of Education (Ministerial Ordinance No. 27 of 2000).
The Marine Biological Laboratory, the Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden, the Institute for Amphibian Biology, and the Laboratory of Plant Chromosome and Gene Stock affiliated with the Faculty of Science were transferred to the prioritized Graduate School of Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 27 of 2000).
The University Education Research Center was reorganized into the Research Institute for Higher Education (Ministerial Ordinance No. 27 of 2000).
The following clusters and divisions were established at the Faculty of Education (Ministerial Ordinance No. 28 of 2000).
Clusters: Cluster 1 (School Education), Cluster 2 (Science, Technology and Social Studies Education), Cluster 3 (Language and Culture Education), Cluster 4 (Lifelong Activities Education), and Cluster 5 (Fundamentals for Education and Human Development)
Divisions: Learning Development, Elementary Curriculum Development, Education for Children with Disabilities, Science Education, Mathematics Education, Technology and Information Education, Social Studies Education, Japanese Language and Culture Education, English Language and Culture Education, Japanese Pedagogy, Linguistics and Cultural Studies, Health and Sports Sciences Education, Human Life Sciences Education, Music Culture Education, Art Education, Educational Studies, and Psychology.
Upon the reorganization (prioritization) of the Graduate School of Science, the following subjects were established at the Faculty of Science: the Subject of Physical Science at the Department of Physical Science; the Subject of Biological Science at the Department of Biological Science; and the Subject of Earth and Planetary Systems Science at the Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 28 of 2000).
A Department of Dental Anesthesiology was established at the School of Dentistry of the Faculty of Dentistry (Ministerial Ordinance No. 28 of 2000).
The Division of Organization and Management was established at the Graduate School of Social Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 28 of 2000).
Upon the reorganization (prioritization) of the Graduate School of Science, the Division of Particle Beam Science, Division of Gene Expression, Division of Molecular Plant Biology, and Division of Gene Chemistry were reorganized into the Division of Theoretical Astro and Particle Physics, Division of Solid-State Physics, Division of Animal Science, Division of Plant Biology, and Division of Earth and Planetary Systems Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 28 of 2000).
The Welfare Division of the Secretariat was renamed the Employment Division (Directive No. 11 of 2000).
A Hemocatharsis Therapy Unit was established at the University Hospital (Directive No. 15 of 2000).
A doctoral course of the Department of Management was established as an evening school at the Graduate School of Social Science (Notice Bun-Ko-Dai No. 113 of 2000).
The following departments were established at the Graduate School of Education (Notice Bun-Ko-Dai No. 113 of 2000).
First stage of the doctoral course (master’s course): Learning Science, Education for Children with Disabilities, Science, Technology and Social Studies Education, Language and Culture Education, Lifelong Activities Education, Educational Studies, Psychology, and Higher Education Development
Second stage of the doctoral course: Learning and Curriculum Development, Arts and Science Education, and Education and Human Science.
The Advanced Course for Education was closed (Notice Bun-Ko-Dai No. 113 of 2000).
Hiroshima University Information Exchange Office was established (Guidelines for the Establishment of Hiroshima University Information Exchange Office of 2000).
Hiroshima University Peer Support Room was established (Guidelines for the Establishment of Hiroshima University Peer Support Room of 2000).
◆April 7
The Academic Year 2000 entrance ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park, and 2,577 students were admitted to faculties, 10 students to the advanced course, and 1,264 students to graduate schools.
◆April 27
An entrance ceremony for the Department of Management of the Graduate School of Social Science (the first stage of the doctoral course) was held, and 33 students were admitted.
◆June 20
The Council approved and released the Master Plan and Vision of Hiroshima University in the 21st Century.
◆July 1
Hiroshima University Information Service Office was established (Hiroshima University Rule No. 51 of 2000).
◆August 1
The Office of the President of Hiroshima University was established (Guidelines for the Establishment of the Office of the President of Hiroshima University of 2000).
◆August 6
The 27th Memorial Service for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb was held.
◆February 13
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with the University of Gdansk, the Republic of Poland.
◆March 9
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Universitas Indonesia, the Republic of Indonesia.
◆March 23
The Academic Year 2000 degree awarding ceremony was held.
◆April 1
The Graduate School of Letters was upgraded by transferring thereto fundamental faculty divisions (Ministerial Ordinance No. 57 of 2001).
The ten divisions of the Department of Humanities were reorganized into five subjects (Philosophy, Thought, and Cultural Study, History, Geography, Archaeology, and Cultural Properties, Japanese and Chinese Language and Literature, and British, American, and European Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics), and the following divisions were established at the Graduate School of Letters (Ministerial Ordinance No. 58 of 2001).
Divisions: Integrated Humanities, Applied Theory and Philosophy, History and Culture, Chinese Language and Literature, Language and Culture, Representation and Culture, Geography, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Studies.
The Graduate School of Education was upgraded by transferring thereto fundamental faculty divisions (Ministerial Ordinance No. 57 of 2001).
The five clusters and 15 divisions of the Faculty of Education were reorganized into five clusters and five subjects (School Education, Science, Technology and Social Studies Education, Language and Culture Education, Lifelong Activities Education, and Fundamentals for Education and Human Development), and the following divisions were established at the Graduate School of Education (Ministerial Ordinance No. 58 of 2001).
Divisions: Learning Development, Elementary Curriculum Development, Education for Children with Disabilities, Science Education, Mathematics Education, Technology and Information Education, Social Studies Education, Japanese Language and Culture Education, English Language and Culture Education, Japanese Pedagogy, Linguistics and Cultural Studies, Health and Sports Sciences Education, Human Life Sciences Education, Music Culture Education, Art Education, Educational Studies, and Psychology.
The Graduate School of Engineering was upgraded by transferring thereto fundamental faculty divisions (Ministerial Ordinance No. 57 of 2001).
The four clusters and 14 divisions of the Faculty of Engineering were reorganized into four clusters and four subjects (Mechanical System Engineering, Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering, Chemistry, Biotechnology and Process Engineering, and Social and Environmental Engineering), and the following divisions were established at the Graduate School of Engineering (Ministerial Ordinance No. 58 of 2001).
Divisions: Mechanical Materials Engineering, Energy Engineering, Design Engineering, Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering, Functional Materials Engineering, Fundamentals of Complex Systems, Complex System Analysis and Designing, Applied Complex Systems, Cybernetics, Computer System Engineering, Knowledge and Information Engineering, Software Reliability Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Applied Engineering, Green Chemistry, Building Structural Engineering, Earth Environment Engineering, Structural System Engineering, Architectural Construction, Architectural Planning, and Environmental System Engineering.
The Information Processing Center and other units were reorganized into the Information Media Center (Ministerial Ordinance No. 57 of 2001, Hiroshima University Rule No. 21 of 2001).
The 19 departments of the School of Dentistry of the Faculty of Dentistry were reorganized into five departments (Basic Oral Medicine; Applied Oral Medicine; Stomatognathic Medicine; Oral Rehabilitation; and Oral Health and Development) (Ministerial Ordinance No. 58 of 2001).
The Division of Finance was established at the Department of Economics of the Graduate School of Social Science (Ministerial Ordinance No. 58 of 2001).
The Division of Quantum Functional Materials and Electronics and the Division of Biosignaling and Biofunctional Science of the Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter were designated as core divisions of the graduate school (Ministerial Ordinance No. 58 of 2001).
The Information Office was established at the General Affairs Department of the Secretariat (Directive No. 43 of 2001).
The Admission Center was established (Hiroshima University Rule No. 52 of 2001).
◆April 3
The Academic Year 2001 entrance ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park, and 2,499 students were admitted to faculties, four students to the advanced course, and 1,310 students to graduate schools.
◆April 23
An entrance ceremony for the Department of Economics of the Graduate School of Social Science (the first and second stages of the doctoral course) was held, and 14 students were admitted.
◆April 24
An honorary doctorate of Hiroshima University was conferred to Ms. Toshiko Satake, the Representative of Satake Corporation (Notice of Honorary Doctorate No. 6).
◆May 18
Hiroshima University’s antenna shop, “Wasshoi Lab,” was opened on the Higashi-Senda Campus.
◆May 20
President Yasuo Harada retired at the expiration of his term of office.
◆May 21
Taizo Muta was appointed as the President of Hiroshima University.
◆May 29
A Faculty Club (2,710 square meters) was completed.
◆June 1
Professor Masamichi Yamanishi (Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter) and Professor Koichi Maekawa (Faculty of Economics) were appointed as Vice Presidents.
◆August 6
The 28th Memorial Service for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb was held.
◆August 7
A building of the Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter (11,653 square meters) was completed.
◆August 14
An academic exchange program agreement was concluded with the Pathology Bureau of the Semipalatinsk City, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
An academic exchange program agreement was concluded with the Regional Oncological Dispensary of the Semipalatinsk City, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
◆September 3
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Yanshan University, the People’s Republic of China.
◆December 1
The Office for Incorporation of Hiroshima University was established (Guidelines for the Establishment of the Office for Incorporation of Hiroshima University of 2001).
◆December 12
An academic exchange program agreement was concluded with East Carolina University, the U.S.A.
◆February 4
An experiment preparation ward (591 square meters) of the Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center was completed.
◆March 1
An information education building (1,837 square meters) was competed at the Attached Fukuyama Junior/Senior High Schools.
◆March 21
The Academic Year 2001 degree awarding ceremony was held.
◆April 1
The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences was established by transferring thereto fundamental faculty divisions, and reorganizing the eight majors of the Graduate School of Medical Science (except for the Department of Health Sciences) and one major of the Graduate School of Dentistry into three majors of the new graduate school. The Health Sciences Major of the Graduate School of Medical Science was renamed the Graduate School of Health Sciences (Cabinet Order No. 77 of 2002, Ministerial Ordinance No. 8 of 2002).
The two schools and 38 departments of the Faculty of Medicine were reorganized into two schools and 13 subjects (Organic and Cell Structures, Cell Functions, Biological Reaction, Pathology, Organic and System Pathological Control, Systemic Disease Control, Symptom Diagnosis and Treatment, Health Policy and Medical Information, Organic Pharmacochemistry, Biochemistry, Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Clinical Pharmacy, and Pharmaceutical Health Science), the five divisions of the Faculty of Dentistry were reorganized into five subjects (Basic Oral Medicine, Applied Oral Medicine, Stomatognathic Medicine, Oral Rehabilitation, and Oral Health and Development), and the following divisions were established at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (Hiroshima University Rule No. 77 of 2002).
Divisions: Molecular Medical Science, Integrated Medical Science, Frontier Medical Science, Medical Intelligence and Informatics, Clinical Medical Science, Cervico-Gnathostomatology, Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics, Medicinal Chemistry, Clinical Pharmaceutical Science.
The Graduate School of Biosphere Science was upgraded by transferring thereto fundamental faculty divisions (Ministerial Ordinance No. 8 of 2002).
The seven divisions of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science were reorganized into five subjects (Integrated Ecoscience, Marine Biology, Animal Science, Food Science, and Biofunctional Science and Technology), and the following divisions were established at the Graduate School of Biosphere Science (Hiroshima University Rule No. 77 of 2002).
Divisions: Social and Human Environment, Bioinformatics, Molecular and Applied Biosciences, Applied Animal Science, Food Science and Biofunctions, Modeling and Management of Environmental Dynamics, Environmental Management, and Assessment of Environmental Dynamics.
The Training and Research Center for Clinical Psychology was established as a unit affiliated with the Graduate School of Education, and the Research Institute of Early Childhood Education, the Center for School Education Research and Development, and the Center for School Education of Children with Disabilities affiliated with the Faculty of Education, were transferred to the Graduate School of Education (Ministerial Ordinance No. 28 of 2002).
The Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center was reorganized and changed from a joint usage facility on campus into a national joint usage facility (Ministerial Ordinance No. 28 of 2002).
The Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine was reorganized and its Japanese name was changed (Cabinet Order No. 130 of 2002, Ministerial Ordinance No. 14 of 2002).
The 11 clinical departments of the University Dental Hospital were reorganized into three clinical departments (Oral Development, Oral Maintenance and Rehabilitation, and Oral Surgery), and a General Oral Care Unit and a Regional Oral Care Unit were established (Hiroshima University Rule No. 54 of 2002).
Hiroshima University Liberal Arts Education Planning Office was established (Guidelines for the Establishment of Hiroshima University Liberal Arts Education Planning Office of 2002).
◆April 3
The Academic Year 2002 entrance ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park, and 2,493 students were admitted to faculties, five students to the advanced course, and 1,348 students to graduate schools.
◆April 8
An academic and student exchange program agreement was concluded with Diponegoro University, the Republic of Indonesia.
◆May 6
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with the University of Nevada, Reno, the U.S.A.
◆July 15
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Kasetsart University, the Kingdom of Thailand.
◆July 20
An academic exchange program agreement was concluded with the Semipalatinsk State Medical Academy, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
An academic exchange program agreement was concluded with the Semipalatinsk Emergency Medicine Hospital, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
An academic exchange program agreement was concluded with the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Radiology & Ecology, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
◆August 6
The 29th Memorial Service for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb was held.
◆August 30
The University Hospital ward (38,373 square meters) was completed.
◆October 1
Hiroshima University Office of International Affairs was established (Guidelines for the Establishment of Hiroshima University Office of International Affairs of 2002).
◆October 15
A student exchange program agreement was concluded with the University of Leicester, the U.K.
◆October 25
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with the Capital Normal University, the People’s Republic of China, and the Beijing Research Center was opened in the People’s Republic of China.
◆January 21
The Council reported and released the Long-Term Vision of Hiroshima University.
◆February 7
Dental education inspectors conducted an on-site inspection of the Faculty of Dentistry and the University Dental Hospital.
◆February 18
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Yeungnam University, the Republic of Korea.
◆February 27
A student exchange program agreement was concluded with the University of Sheffield, the U.K.
◆February 28
The Satake Memorial Hall was completed.
◆March 20
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the People’s Republic of China.
◆March 23
The Academic Year 2002 degree awarding ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park.
◆March 28
The Institute for Business Incubation (1,018 square meters) was completed.
◆April 1
An additional post of Vice President was established (Ministerial Ordinance No. 26 of 2003, Hiroshima University Rule No. 16 of 2003).
Professor Keisuke Miyazawa (Graduate School of Biosphere Science) was appointed as a Vice President.
The University Farm and the Fisheries Laboratory affiliated with the Faculty of Applied Biological Science were reorganized into the Setouchi Field Science Center (Ministerial Ordinance No. 26 of 2003).
The Gene Research Institute, the Cryogenic Center, the Instrumental Analysis Center, the Isotope Center, and the Research Facilities for Laboratory Animal Science were reorganized into the Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development (Ministerial Ordinance No. 26 of 2003, Hiroshima University Rule No. 15 of 2003).
The 16 divisions of the Department of Integrated Arts and Sciences of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences were reorganized into eight divisions (Regional Culture Studies, Social Environment Science, Policy Science, Language and Culture Studies, Behavioral Science, Mathematical and Information Science, Material Sciences, and Environmental and Physical Sciences (Hiroshima University Rule No. 6 of 2003).
A Clinical Research Center was established at the University Hospital (Hiroshima University Rule No. 14 of 2003).
The Center for Business Incubation was established (Hiroshima University Rule No. 18 of 2003).
Project research centers were established (for 41 projects applied in Academic Year 2002).
An Office for Establishment of Hiroshima University Archives was established (Guidelines for the Establishment of the Office for Establishment of Hiroshima University Archives of 2003).
◆April 3
The Academic Year 2003 entrance ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park, and 2,507 students were admitted to faculties, ten students to the advanced course, and 1,279 students to graduate schools.
◆April 4
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Chulalongkorn University, the Kingdom of Thailand.
◆April 30
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Graz University, Austria.
◆June 1
Professor Susumu Takahashi (Center for School Education Research and Development, affiliated with the Graduate School of Education) and Professor Katsutoshi Yoshizato (Graduate School of Science) were appointed as Vice Presidents.
◆June 6
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Wenzou Normal University, the People’s Republic of China.
◆August 6
The 30th Memorial Service for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb was held.
◆August 29
An Experimental Center (Higashi-Hiroshima Campus; 3,322 square meters) was completed.
◆October 1
An additional post of Vice President was established (Ministerial Ordinance No. 54 of 2003, Hiroshima University Rule No. 49 of 2003).
Professor Koso Ohama (Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences) was appointed as a Vice President.
The Research Cooperation Division and the International Exchange Division of the General Affairs Department were abolished, and a Research Cooperation Division and an International Exchange Division were established at a new Research Cooperation Department, thus reorganizing the Secretariat into one consisting of five departments, 16 divisions, and two offices (Directive No. 26 of 2003, Hiroshima University Rule No. 82 of 2003).
The University Hospital and the University Dental Hospital were integrated into one unit, Hiroshima University Hospital. The 18 clinical departments of the former University Hospital and the three clinical departments of the former University Dental Hospital were reorganized into 16 clinical departments in total. The Administration Sections of the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, and the Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine were reorganized into an Administration Section of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, etc. and an Administration Section of Hiroshima University Hospital. A General Affairs Department and a Student Affairs Department were established at the Administration Section of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, etc., and a General Affairs and Planning Department, Patient Service Planning Department, Procurement Department, and Medical Affairs Department were established at the Administration Section of Hiroshima University Hospital (Ministerial Ordinance No. 54 of 2003, Hiroshima University Rule No. 50 and No. 82 of 2003).
The Intellectual Property Creation Center was established (Hiroshima University Rule No. 100 of 2003).
◆October 16
The Kasumi Campus Branch of the Office for Incorporation of Hiroshima University was established.
◆January 20
The Council approved Hiroshima University’s logo.
The Council approved a plan for incorporation of Hiroshima University.
◆February 12
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the People’s Republic of China.
◆March 23
The Academic Year 2003 degree awarding ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park.
2,524 undergraduate course graduates
10 advanced course graduates
1,141 graduates of the first stage of doctoral courses
265 doctoral course graduates
57 Ph. Ds by thesis
◆March 31
A Research Center (Kasumi Campus) was completed.
◆April 1
Hiroshima University was incorporated under the National University Corporation Act (Act No. 112 of 2003).
As corporation officers, the post of President, seven posts of Executive and Vice President, and two posts of Auditors were established (Act No. 112 of 2003, Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004). The post of Vice President was established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 and No. 105 of 2004).
The following persons were appointed to fill the respective posts.
President: Taizo Muta
Executive and Vice Presidents:
(Education/Student Affairs): Susumu Takahashi
(Research/International): Katsutoshi Yoshizato
(Community Relations): Naotaka Oki
(Medical Affairs): Osafumi Yuge
(Information): Yasukazu Tsubaki
(Financial): Koichi Maekawa
(Personnel and General Affairs): Ikuo Shioya
Auditors: Yasushi Mizoue, Tadahiko Hasegawa
Vice President (Attached Schools): Yasuhiro Maeda (professor, Graduate School of Education)
Posts of Executive Assistant to the President were established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 and No. 106 of 2004), and the following persons were appointed to fill the posts.
(Risk Management): Yu Kamitani (professor, Law School)
(International): Akira Ninomiya (professor, Graduate School of Education)
(Public Relations): Takehiro Hayashi (professor, Graduate School of Education)
(Accounting): Kaname Sakaguchi (professor, Graduate School of Social Science)
(Personnel Affairs): Hidenori Tsuji (professor, Graduate School of Social Science)
An Executive Board, Administrative Council, and Education and Research Council were established (Act No. 112 of 2003, Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The following persons were appointed as external councilors of the Administrative Council:
Keijiro Inai, Chairperson of the Japan Audio-Visual Education Association
Wataru Imanaka, Representative Director and President of the Chugoku Shimbun Company
Masateru Onami, Special Adviser of Kyoto Tachibana Women’s University
Michio Ogasawara, Chairperson of the Hiroshima Prefecture Board of Education
Taka Shiinoki, lawyer
Shitomi Takasu, Chairperson of the Chugoku Economic Federation
Koji Tanabe, Representative of the Secretariat of the Tokyo Conference for Chugoku Regional Cooperation
Bruce Johnstone, professor of the State University of New York
An Office of the President, Audit Office, Education Office, Academic Research Office, Office of Community Collaboration, Medical Policy Office, Academic Information Policy Office, Financial Office, Personnel and General Affairs Office, and Office for Attached Schools were established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 110 of 2004).
The following departments and centers were established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 110 of 2004).
Undergraduate Education Center, General Student Support Center, Admission Center, Career Center, Extension Center, Academic Research Department, Technical Center, International Affairs Department, Library Department, Community Collaboration Department, Information Promotion Department, Financial Department, Facilities Management Department, General Affairs Department, Personnel Department, and Attached Schools Department.
The following Support Offices were established for the university’s units (except for the hospital) (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 110 of 2004):
Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences Support Office;
Graduate School of Letters Support Office;
Graduate School of Education Support Office;
Graduate School of Social Sciences Support Office;
Graduate School of Science Support Office;
Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter Support Office
Graduate School of Engineering Support Office;
Graduate School of Biosphere Science Support Office;
Graduate School for International Cooperation and Development Support Office; and
Higashi-Senda Area Support Office.
A Management Support Office was established at the hospital (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 110 of 2004).
Hiroshima University Law School was established as a professional degree course (Department of Law; Divisions of Public Law/Legal Principles, Civil Law, and Criminal Law) (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1, No. 3 and No. 58 of 2004).
The Medical and Dental Sciences Major (master’s course) was established at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 3 of 2004).
The Postgraduate Medical and Dental Training Center was established at the hospital (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 58 of 2004).
The Department of Law and the Department of Economics of the Graduate School of Social Science were upgraded into a Department of Legal and Political Systems and a Department of Social and Economic Systems (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 3 of 2004).
The four divisions of the Department of Law of the Faculty of Law were reorganized into three subjects (Law, Political Science, Sociology), and the five divisions of the Department of Economics were reorganized into five subjects (Theoretical Economics and Econometrics, Historical Economics, Economic Policy, Applied Economics, and Business and Information); and the following divisions were established at the Department of Legal and Political Systems and the Department of Social and Economic Systems of the Graduate School of Social Science (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 58 of 2004).
Divisions: Policy and Legal Affairs, Policy Dynamics, Economic Analysis, Public Policy, Comparative Economic Systems.
The Center for Research on Regional Economic Systems affiliated with the Faculty of Economics was transferred to the Graduate School of Social Science (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Research Division of Speciation Mechanism of the Institute for Amphibian Biology affiliated with the Graduate School of Science was upgraded and its Japanese name was changed.
The Division of Quantum Correlation and Solids of the Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter was upgraded into the Division of Semiconductor Electronics and Integration Science, and a Department of Semiconductor Electronics and Integration Science was established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 3 and No. 58 of 2004).
The Health Sciences Major of the Graduate School of Health Sciences was upgraded, and the Division of Nursing Development Science and the Division of Science of Body and Mind Function and Lifestyle Management were established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 58 of 2004).
The seven divisions of the School of Health Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine were reorganized into three subjects (Nursing Science, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 3 and No. 58 of 2004).
Hiroshima University Hospital was separated from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The School for Dental Hygienists and the Dental Technicians School were separated from the Faculty of Dentistry (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Japanese name of the University Library was changed (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Saijo Seminar House established as an internal measure was reorganized into a Joint Usage Facility for National Universities in the Chugoku/Shikoku Area (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Health Service Center was reorganized into a joint usage facility on campus (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Center for Technology Research and Development was reorganized into a Center for Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Information Service Office was reorganized into a Center for Community Cooperation (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center, Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, and Hiroshima University Archives were established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Organization for Outreach and Partnership Promotion was established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 54 of 2004).
The Tokyo Liaison Office was established within the Campus Innovation Center (Minato-ku, Tokyo) (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 60 of 2004).
◆April 3
The Academic Year 2004 entrance ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park, and 2,446 students were admitted to faculties, six students to the advanced course, 1,358 students to graduate schools, of which 109 students were international students (from 21 countries).
◆April 5
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with the University of Osnabruck, the Federal Republic of Germany.
◆April 28
An agreement was concluded with the Hiroshima Bank, Ltd.
◆May 5
An academic and educational program agreement was concluded with the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, the U.S.A.
◆May 13
An academic and educational program agreement was concluded with Moscow State Pedagogical University, the Russian Federation.
◆June 1
Posts of Special Assistant to the President were established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 106 of 2004).
Professor Hiromu Mishima (Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences) was appointed as a Special Assistant to the President in charge of External Affairs, and Assistant Professor Mitsuharu Iwata (Research Institute for Higher Education) was appointed as Special Assistant to the President in charge of Planning.
◆June 5
The commemoration ceremony for the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences was held.
◆June 10
The Graduate School of Engineering concluded a comprehensive research cooperation agreement with Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
◆July 1
The Graduate School of Education concluded a research cooperation agreement with the Higashi-Hiroshima City Board of Education.
◆July 20
The Medical and Social Cooperation Center was established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 153 of 2004).
◆July 27
A cooperation agreement was concluded with Japan Bank for International Cooperation.
◆August 5
A comprehensive joint research agreement was concluded with Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
◆August 6
The 31st Memorial Service for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb was held.
◆September 1
The Radiation Emergency Medicine Promotion Center was established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 165 of 2004).
◆October 1
The Beijing Research Center was relocated to a new building at Beijing Normal University (326 square meters).
◆October 8
A degree awarding ceremony (doctoral degree) was held at the Faculty Club, and doctoral degrees were awarded to 65 students (50 students who completed the doctoral course and 15 students who submitted doctoral theses).
◆October 13
A memorandum of cooperative relationship was concluded with Microsoft Corporation.
◆October 21
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Sichuan Agricultural University, the People’s Republic of China.
◆October 28
The commemoration ceremony for the 10th anniversary of the Graduate School of International Development and Cooperation was held.
◆November 1
Professor Kensuke Ueki (Graduate School of Letters) was appointed as a Special Assistant to the President in charge of Planning (as a successor to Mitsuharu Iwata, who resigned as of September 30).
◆November 3
The opening ceremony for the new office of the Beijing Research Center was held at Beijing Normal University.
◆March 1
The Institute for Waste Waters Treatment was reorganized into the Environmental Research and Management Center.
◆March 21
The Academic Year 2004 degree awarding ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park.
2,471 undergraduate course graduates
5 advanced course graduates
1,079 graduates of the first stage of doctoral courses
259 doctoral course graduates
34 Ph. Ds by thesis
◆April 1
A School of Oral Health Science was established at the Faculty of Dentistry.
The School for Dental Hygienists and the Dental Technicians School were closed.
The Graduate School of International Development and Cooperation was reorganized and upgraded by establishing the Division of Development Policy, Division of Development Technology, and Division of Peace and Coexistence at the Department of Development Science, and the Division of Education Development and Division of Cultural Dynamics at the Department of Educational Development and Cultural and Regional Studies.
The Emergency Service of Hiroshima University Hospital was reorganized into the Advanced and Emergency and Critical Care Center.
The Institute for Sport Sciences was established.
The Legal Service Center was established as a unit affiliated with the Law School.
◆April 3
The Academic Year 2005 entrance ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park, and 2,529 students were admitted to faculties, 15 students to the advanced course, and 1,280 students to graduate schools, of which 88 students were international students (from 19 countries).
◆April 20
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Saint Mary's University, Canada.
◆April 25
Fukuyama Satellite Office was established.
◆May 21
President Taizo Muta was reappointed.
◆May 21
The division of duties among Executive and Vice Presidents was revised, and the following persons were appointed to fill the respective posts:
Executive and Vice Presidents:
(Education/Research): Masaki Taniguchi
(Academic Policy): Naotaka Oki
(Community Relations/Research): Mitsumasa Okada
(Medical Affairs): Osafumi Yuge
(Information): Yasukazu Tsubaki
(Financial): Koichi Maekawa
(General Affairs): Toshio Kudo
Vice Presidents:
(Student Affairs): Hiromichi Morikawa
(International): Akira Ninomiya
(Attached Schools): Shinji Ishii
The post of Special Adviser was established.
The post of Planning Department Director was established at the Office of the President.
The Planning Committee was established under the Executive Board as a planning and coordinating unit.
◆July 21
The HiSIM Research Center was established.
◆July 27
A comprehensive joint research agreement was concluded with Satake Corporation.
◆July 19
The post of Special Assistant to the President in charge of Japan-China Partnership was established, and Professor Toshiyuki Sato (Graduate School of Letters) was appointed.
◆July 29
A joint research agreement was concluded with Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima Institute of Technology, and Hiroshima Prefecture Industrial Waste Association.
◆August 23
A research and educational cooperation agreement was concluded with the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan of the National Institutes of Natural Sciences.
◆August 6
The 32nd Memorial Service for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb was held.
◆September 19
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with the University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro.
◆September 20
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia.
◆September 20
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia.
◆September 27
The International Strategy Headquarters was established.
◆October 1
The Education Development Center for Medical Staff was established as a unit affiliated with the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry.
A research and educational cooperation agreement was concluded with the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology.
◆October 5
The commemoration ceremony for the 100th anniversary of the Attached Elementary School was held.
◆October 31
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with the Korea National University of Education, the Republic of Korea.
◆November 4
The commemoration ceremony for the 20th anniversary of the Graduate School of Biosphere Science was held.
◆November 16
An agreement on education, research, medical care, etc. was concluded with the National Institute of Radiological Sciences.
◆December 8
A New Internationalization Strategy was formulated.
◆December 9
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the People’s Republic of China.
◆December 10
A comprehensive collaboration and cooperation agreement was concluded with the Japan International Cooperation Agency.
◆December 14
The Hiroshima University Alumni Association in China was established.
A comprehensive collaboration and cooperation agreement was concluded with the Japan International Cooperation Agency.
◆December 19
The Osaka Office of the Admission Center was established.
◆December 23
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, the Republic of Indonesia.
◆January 11
A comprehensive collaboration agreement was concluded with Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture.
◆January 12
A master agreement on comprehensive collaboration was concluded with Babcock-Hitachi K.K.
◆January 16
A comprehensive collaboration agreement was concluded with the Development Bank of Japan, Inc.
◆January 24
An agreement on comprehensive collaboration and cooperation was concluded with the Chugoku Regional Development Bureau, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
◆January 30
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Wonkwang University, the Republic of Korea.
◆March 20
The Higashi-Hiroshima Astronomical Observatory affiliated with the Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center was completed.
◆March 23
The Academic Year 2005 degree awarding ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park.
2,474 undergraduate course graduates
16 advanced course graduates
1,106 graduates of the first stage of doctoral courses
257 doctoral course graduates
36 Ph. Ds by thesis
◆March 24
A comprehensive agreement on research cooperation was concluded with Nippon Meat Packers, Inc.
◆March 31
Vice President Hiromichi Morikawa (Student Affairs) retired at the mandatory retirement age.
Auditors Yasushi Mizoue and Tadahiko Hasegawa retired at the expiration of their term of office.
Executive Assistant to the President (External Funding), Tsutomu Masujima, retired at the expiration of his term of office.
Executive Assistant to the President (Personnel Affairs), Hidenori Tsuji, retired at the mandatory retirement age.
Special Assistant to the President (External Affairs), Hiromu Mishima, retired.
◆April 1
Shigeo Kasuga (former adviser of Mazda Motor Corporation) and Susumu Kanata (former Dean of the Faculty of Integrated Human Sciences and Culture, University of East Asia) were appointed as Auditors.
Takao Horikoshi (professor, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences) was appointed as an Executive Assistant to the President in charge of Personnel Affairs.
The post of Executive Assistant to the President in charge of Educational Affairs was established, and Muneharu Esaka (professor, Graduate School of Biosphere Science) was appointed.
The post of Executive Assistant to the President in charge of Financial Management was established, and Ichiro Hoshino (professor, Graduate School of Social Science) was appointed.
The post of Executive Assistant to the President in charge of External Funding was abolished, and the post of Special Assistant to the President in charge of Competitive Grants was established and Tsutomu Masujima (professor, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences) was appointed.
The post of Special Assistant to the President in charge of Regional Innovation was established, and Tadao Ando (planning manager, Center for Community Cooperation) was appointed.
Kyoji Nishikawa (Professor Emeritus of Hiroshima University) was appointed as an Academic Adviser.
A doctoral course of the Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences was established (Department of Integrated Arts and Sciences; Divisions of Behavioral Sciences, Studies of Human Cultures, Environmental and Physical Sciences, Studies of Civilization and Society, and Area Studies) (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Department of International Society Study of the Graduate School of Social Science was closed (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 3 of 2004).
The Department of Biosphere Coexistence Science and Department of Bioresource Development of the Graduate School of Biosphere Science were reorganized into a Department of Bioresource Science (Divisions of Animal Science, Aquatic Biology, and Food and Resource Economics) and a Department of Biofunctional Science and Technology (Divisions of Molecular and Applied Biosciences, and Food Science and Biofunctions). The Division of Environmental Management of the Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management was closed (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 3 and No. 58 of 2004).
The eight divisions of the Department of Integrated Arts and Sciences of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences were reorganized into ten subjects (Area Studies, Socio-Cultural Studies, Humanities and the Study of Culture, Language and Culture, Behavioral Sciences, Sport Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical and Information Sciences, Integrated Physical Sciences, and Natural Environmental Sciences) (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 58 of 2004).
The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine was closed (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 58 of 2004).
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Department of Pharmacy (six-year course) and Department of Pharmaceutical Science (four-year course)) was established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine was transferred to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the Education Development Center for Medical Staff affiliated with the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry was reorganized as a unit affiliated with the Facilities of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Research Center for Regional Geography was closed and the Hiroshima University Museum was established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Center for Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration was reorganized and integrated with the Intellectual Property Creation Center (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The Institute for Advanced Materials Research was established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 1 of 2004).
The postgraduate Education Center was established at the Education Office (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 110 of 2004).
The Japanese names of the Support Offices were changed (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 110 of 2004).
An Excellent Student Scholarship was introduced as a financial support program for excellent students.
The Hiroshima University Information Security Policy was put into effect.
◆April 4
The Academic Year 2006 entrance ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park, and 2,541 students were admitted to faculties, ten students to the advanced course, and 1,289 students to graduate schools, of which 101 students were international students (from 18 countries).
◆May 1
Kaoru Narisada (professor, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences) was appointed as an Executive Assistant to the President in charge of Student Affairs.
◆May 26
The Higashi-Hiroshima Astronomical Observatory was opened.
◆June 1
The Fukuoka Office of the Admission Center was established.
◆June 5
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Shanghai Normal University, the People’s Republic of China.
◆June 30
Excellent students eligible to the Academic Year 2006 Excellent Student Scholarship were selected.
52 new students enrolled in undergraduate courses, 80 students in the second and higher years of undergraduate courses, and 84 students in postgraduate courses: 216 students in total
◆July 1
The post of Vice President in charge of Peace was established (Hiroshima University Regulation No. 105 of 2004).
◆July 28
A comprehensive agreement for research cooperation was concluded with the Radiation Effects Research Foundation.
◆August 6
The 33rd Hiroshima University Memorial Service for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb was held.
◆August 8
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), the Republic of Indonesia.
◆August 10
A naming ceremony for the fourth “Toyoshiomaru” (training ship affiliated with the Faculty of Applied Biological Science) was held.
◆August 21
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Cheju National University, the Republic of Korea.
◆August 31
A comprehensive agreement on research cooperation was concluded with Toyo Advanced Technologies Co., Ltd.
◆September 21
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Institut Teknologi Bandung, the Republic of Indonesia.
◆October 2
The Academic Year 2006 fall semester entrance ceremony was held at the Head Office Conference Room, and five students were admitted to the School of Dentistry of the Faculty of Dentistry and 139 students to graduate schools.
◆October 9
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with James Madison University, the U.S.A.
◆October 23
A comprehensive cooperation agreement was concluded with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) for the implementation of UNITAR programs.
◆November 1
The Hiroshima University Museum was opened.
The Hiroshima University Dental Clinic was opened.
◆November 21
A comprehensive collaboration agreement for regional revitalization was reached with Kitahiroshima-machi (Yamagata-gun, Hiroshima Prefecture).
◆December 1
A ceremony for the completion of the fourth “Toyoshiomaru” (training ship affiliated with the Faculty of Applied Biological Science) was held.
◆December 18
An agreement on regional industry-academia collaboration was concluded with the five Chugoku branches (Hiroshima, Okayama, Tottori, Matsue, and Shimonoseki) of the Japan Finance Corporation for Small and Medium Enterprise (JASME).
◆December 20
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with the Northeast Normal University, the People’s Republic of China.
◆December 21
A cooperation agreement on radiation emergency medical services was concluded with the core hospitals in Hiroshima (Hiroshima Prefectural Hospital, Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital and Atomic-bomb Survivors Hospital, and National Hospital Organization Kure Medical Center).
◆January 1
Hiroshi Takahashi (professor, Graduate School of Social Science) was appointed as an Executive Assistant to the President in charge of Risk Management.
◆January 11
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Wuhan University, the People’s Republic of China.
◆February 16
Toshimasa Asahara, the Director of Hiroshima University Hospital, was selected as the 11th President.
◆February 27
The first Accessibility Leader certification ceremony was held (21 students were certified).
The Hiroshima University Alumni Association was established.
◆March 10
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with the University of Dhaka, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
◆March 12
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Nanjing University, the People’s Republic of China.
◆March 13
The Council approved the Hiroshima University Code of Conduct for Scientists.
◆March 23
The Academic Year 2006 degree awarding ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park.
2,479 undergraduate course graduates
10 advanced course graduates
1,038 graduates of the first stage of doctoral courses
273 doctoral course graduates
25 Ph. Ds by thesis
◆March 31
Executive and Vice President (Academic Policy), Naotaka Oki, resigned.
Executive Assistant to the President (Risk Management), Yu Kamitani, resigned.
Executive Assistant to the President (Risk Management), Hiroshi Takahashi, retired at the mandatory retirement age.
Executive Assistant to the President (Personnel Affairs), Takao Horikoshi, retired at the mandatory retirement age.
Special Assistant to the President (Regional Innovation), Tadao Ando, retired at the expiration of his term of office.
◆April 1
Hiroshi Takahashi (professor, special appointment) was appointed as an Executive Assistant to the President in charge of Risk Management.
The Special Course for Special Education was renamed the Special Course for Special Support Education.
The Institute for Interdisciplinary Science was established as a unit affiliated with the Graduate School of Science.
The Biomedical Research Major of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (Divisions of Molecular Medical Science, Integrated Medical Science, and Frontier Medical Science) was reorganized into a major consisting of four divisions (Divisions of Molecular Medical Science, Integrated Medical Science, Frontier Medical Science, and Genome Radiobiology and Medical Science).
The Department of Educational Development and Cultural Regional Studies (Divisions of Educational Development and Cultural Dynamics) was reorganized into a department consisting of one division (Educational Development and Cultural and Regional Studies).
The Japanese name of the Clinical Research Center of Hiroshima University Hospital was changed.
The Information Media Center (Divisions of Educational Research and Information Service) was reorganized into a department consisting of three divisions (Information Infrastructure Study, Information Education Research, and User Service).
◆April 3
The Academic Year 2007 entrance ceremony was held at the gymnasium of the Higashi-Hiroshima Sports Park, and 2,501 students were admitted to faculties, 12 students to the advanced course, and 1,299 students to graduate schools, of which 80 students were international students (from 16 countries).
◆May 21
Toshimasa Asahara assumed the office of the 11th President of Hiroshima University.
As a result of the reform of the university’s administration structure, an Office of Executives was established, and the following persons were appointed as Executive and Vice Presidents or Executives.
Executive and Vice President (Education): Shin-ichi Uye
Executive and Vice President (Research): Akira Ninomiya
Executive (Medical Affairs/Facilities): Osafumi Yuge
Executive (Financial): Toshiyuki Shimizu
Executive (General Affairs): Toshio Kudo
Among the posts of Executive Assistant to the President, those in charge of Risk Management, Educational Affairs, Public Relations, Financial Management, and Personnel Affairs were abolished. The posts of Special Assistant to the President, the Planning Committee, and Coordinating Committee of Deans and Directors were abolished.
The following persons were appointed as the next external councilors of the Administrative Council:
Tateo Arimoto, Director of the Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society, the Japan Science and Technology Agency
Masateru Onami, Special Adviser of Kyoto Tachibana Women’s University
Michio Ogasawara, Chairperson of the Hiroshima Prefecture Board of Education
Masaki Kitajima, Vice President of the International University of Health and Welfare, and Director of Mita Hospital
Toru Fuwa, Chairperson of Wakunaga Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
◆June 1
Yukio Sakamoto, Representative Director, President and CEO of Elpida Memory, Inc. was appointed as an external councilor of the Administrative Council.
◆June 12
An agreement for the Program for Human Resource Development in Asia for Peacebuilding was concluded with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
◆June 19
The Hiroshima University Licensing Policy was established and put into effect (applicable retroactively as of April 1, 2007).
◆July 1
Masaru Sakashita was appointed as an Executive Assistant to the President (Planning Department Director).
Posts of Vice Executive were established, and the following persons were appointed.
(Education Reform): Mitsugu Ochi
(Admission Reform): Michio Takatani
(Attached School): Shigeki Kadoya
(Education Department Director): Tatsuaki Nomura
(International): Toshiyuki Sato
(External Funding): Eiko Tsuchiya
(Academic Research Department Director): Takumi Iwamoto
(Facilities Department Director): Takashi Fujii
(Financial Management): Ichiro Hoshino
(Community Relations): Tsuguru Usui
(Financial): Masanori Shibata
(Legal Affairs): Hiroshi Takahashi
(Information): Toshimasa Watanabe
(Gender Equality): Misako Aida
(Personnel Systems): Masanobu Mitsui
(General and Personnel Affairs Department Director): Takashi Higano
◆August 6
The 34th Hiroshima University Memorial Service for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb was held.
◆August 27
An academic and educational exchange program agreement was concluded with Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, the Republic of Turkey.
◆October 1
President Asahara announced Hiroshima University Action Plan 2007.
◆October 11
An agreement on comprehensive collaboration and cooperation was concluded with Miyoshi City.
◆October 15
An Action Plan was formulated on the basis of Hiroshima University Gender Equality Declaration.
◆October 16
The Hiroshima University Excellent Student Scholarship was reviewed, and it was decided to introduce a new scholarship system, Hiroshima University Scholarship System.
◆November 4
The1st Homecoming Day of Hiroshima University was held.
◆December 1
The Hiroshima University Fund was established.