About HU

Actions in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake

Hiroshima University published a booklet about our post-disaster support activities during the past two years since the Great East Japan Earthquake.

【View the PDF files】

Actions Regarding the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Nuclear Daiichi Power Station Incident

Radiation Protection Fundamental Information Portal Site

Please see the “Radiation Protection Fundamental Information Portal Site” published by Hiroshima University Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine and Hiroshima University Radiation Emergency Medicine Promotion Center.

This site contains fundamental information and Q&A, etc.

on radiation emergency medicine and radioactivity.

【Inquiry from the Public】

広島大学緊急被ばく対策委員会(Radiation Emergency Medicine Promotion Center)


※Hours:Weekdays 9:00~17:00

※Heavy traffic on line may be anticipated.
