Principles, Action Policies, Goals
In recognition that preserving the global environment by building a sustainable society is the greatest challenge to humans in the 21st century, Hiroshima University will work to minimize the environmental impact of its activities. Moreover, the University will take comprehensive environmental protection initiatives in all its educational, research and outreach programs/activities in joint efforts with both local communities and international society.
Action Policies
- To foster human resources with advanced knowledge and high awareness regarding environmental problems, through on- and off-campus environmental education
- To promote advanced and practical research programs for preserving local and global environment and to build a sustainable society
- To contribute to the environmental preservation efforts of local communities and international society by sharing the University’s intellectual properties
- To observe environmental laws/regulations and minimize the environmental impact of University activities so as to preserve the natural environment
- To disclose Hiroshima University’s environmental commitments through Environmental Reports, and seek collaboration with communities in environmental protection initiatives