Location: Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Russia

In September 2005, Hiroshima University concluded a university agreement with Tomsk State Pedagogical University, and in October 2006, the Hiroshima University Representative Office was established on the Tomsk State Pedagogical campus.
The main goals of the Office are to support academic exchanges with undergraduate and graduate students as well as academic faculty, regulate joint research, support Japanese language education at Tomsk State Pedagogical, introduce Japanese culture, and introduce and promote HU's education program.
So far, an event introducing Hiroshima University ("Hiroshima University Day") and an international conference, "Peace Studies and Peace Discourse in Education" were held in 2006. In October 2007, the President of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, President Valery Obukhov, Vice President Konstantin E. Osetrin(Innovation Policy/Information), Vice President Marina Voitekhovskaya (Academic Affairs), and Professor Sergey D. Odintsov visited HU and held discussions about the practical usage of the Representative Office.