Hiroshima University is involved in promoting research collaborations utilizing the INU.
Seed Money Fund
The INU Seed Money Fund addresses the need for INU faculty and staff to start a project of significance to network partnerships. This is an open seed-funding call seeking creative ideas that support internationalization and global engagement within the INU. The call is open to all disciplines and a variety of activities (i.e., not limited to research only). Up to $5,000 annually is available in the Seed Money Fund. Priority will be given to projects that align with INU mission, vision, and value statement.
For more information, please visit INU website.
Researcher Mobility Program
The Researcher Mobility Program allows Ph.D. candidates and/or pre-tenured faculty within the INU network to engage in research at an INU partner university. Currently available research opportunities are listed below.
For more information, please visit INU website.
INU for Refugees
INU made the Statement on Refugees and Displaced Persons, and is proceeding collaborative research projects.
For more information, please visit INU website.
Past Activities
The First INU Research Workshop was held October 10-17, 2006 at Ritsumeikan University and Hiroshima University with 29 participants from 8 member universities in attendance. The workshop was held with various goals such as stregnthening research capacity through the INU, seeking areas of possible joint research, laying plans for the execution of joint research, generating opportunities to secure funds, benchmarking analysis in research evaluation, establishing research networks, and more.