International Exchange

President Joy M. Sorrosa of Davao del Norte State College, Philippines, Visits HU

On May 23, 2023, President Joy M. Sorrosa of Davao del Norte State College, Philippines, paid a courtesy call to the Higashi-Hiroshima Campus of Hiroshima University, and engaged in discussion with Executive Vice President in charge of Global Initiatives, Shinji Kaneko. Associate Professor Dahlia Collado Simangan (the IDEC Institute) also attended the meeting.
During the meeting, views were exchanged on student and researcher exchange between the two universities including short-term study abroad and internship programs.

Through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Partnership Program, HU is implementing a peacebuilding project to support the consolidation of peace in the Mindanao region in collaboration with Hiroshima Prefecture. In 2018, 12 trainees, including candidates for civil service in the autonomous government of Mindanao, paid a visit to President Ochi. Furthermore, in 2020 Honorable Interim Chief Minister (Hon. ICM), Ahod “AlHaj Murad” Ebrahim and the delegates of Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) visited our Higashi-Hiroshima Campus and met with President Mitsuo Ochi, thereby deepening the exchange with the Philippines.

HU has concluded one inter-university international exchange agreement with one Philippine institution and six inter-faculty international exchange agreements with six Philippine institutions, and currently 22 students from the Philippines are studying at HU.
The visit is expected to promote exchanges with Philippine universities and research institutions, including the Davao del Norte State College.

During the meeting

Commemorative photo


Global Initiatives Group, Hiroshima University

TEL: 082-424-6042

Email: kokusai-kyoten*

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