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On October 1st, 2024, Hiroshima University held the opening ceremony for its 3+1 Program in Lecture Room K201 of the School of Education at the Higashi-hiroshima Campus.
This year marks the ninth anniversary of the Morito Institute of Global Higher Education 3+1 Program, which primarily offers courses in Japanese. In addition to the 166 students enrolled in this program, two students have commenced their studies in the newly launched IDEC Institute 3+1 Program, which primarily offers courses in English.
In his address, President Ochi highlighted the significance of studying in a program that started with the name of the university’s first president, Tatsuo Morito, especially during the university’s 75th anniversary. He expressed his strong hope that the students will play an active global role with a zeal for peace after their completion of the programs. Inspired by President Ochi’s words, the students reaffirmed their commitment to their upcoming study abroad experience.
Declaration of Acceptance by President Ochi
President's Speech
Commemorative Group Photo
*The "Hiroshima University 3+1 Program” is an initiative that accepts students who have completed their second or third year at universities abroad as Special Auditing Students. During the program, these students receive specialized education and guidance on their graduation theses, which they submit to their home universities. After completing the program, students are expected to continue their studies as foreign research students and eventually to enter Hiroshima University’s graduate schools, and we have established an environment to support this transition. Named after Tatsuo Morito, the first president who championed the spirit of “a single unified university, free and pursuing peace,” the program was initially inaugurated as the Morito Institute of Global Higher Education 3+1 Program, offering courses primarily in Japanese. This year, we launched The IDEC Institute 3+1 Program, which is another 3+1 program that offers courses in English, and these two 3+1 programs have been restructured into "Hiroshima University 3+1 Program."