人工種苗の放流技術開発、放流効果を評価するための遺伝マーカーの開発、海産魚の遺伝的集団構造の解析、健全な養殖魚を育成する養殖配合飼料の開発、系群識別や生態解明のための水族寄生虫研究などを通 し回遊魚の回遊履歴の解読のための耳石元素分析など、魚介類資源の増殖・維持・有効利用を目的とした研究を展開している。


海野徹也. (2010) クロダイの生物学とチヌの釣魚学(単著).日本水産学会監修ベルソブックシリーズ33. 成山堂書店. 東京. 174 p
E. Blanco Gonzalez, N. Taniguchi and T. Umino. (2010) Can ordinary single-day egg collection increase the effective population size in broodstock management programs? Breeder-offspring assignment in black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii) through two-hourly intervals. Aquaculture, 308: 12–19.
T. Umino, E. Blanco Gonzalez, H. Saito and H. Nakagawa. (2011) Problems associated with the recovery on landings of black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii) intensively released in Hiroshima Bay, Japan. Ceccaldi, H.-J. Dekeyser, I. Girault, M. Stora, G. (Eds.) Global Change: Mankind-Marine Environment Interactions. Proceedings of the 13th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium. Springer Science. p37-40.
E.Blanco Gonzalez and T. Umino. (2012) Managing the Genetic Resources in the Intensive Stock Enhancement Program Carried out on Black Sea Bream in Hiroshima Bay, Japan. Mahmut ÇALIÅžKAN (Eds.) ANALYSIS OF GENETIC VARIATION IN ANIMALS.INTEC. p217-230. ISBN: 978-953-51-0093-5
Kaori Wakabayashi, Hiroshi Sato, Yumiko Yoshie-Stark, Mariko Ogushi and Yuji Tanaka (in press) Differences in the biochemical compositions of two dietary jellyfish species and their effects on the growth and survival of Ibacus novemdentatus phyllosomas. Aquaculture Nutrition.
K. Wakabayashi. (2017) Embryonic development of the sea butterfly Desmopterus papilio (Gastropoda: Thecosomata). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 61, 142-146.
K. Wakabayashi, CH. Yang, JY. Shy, CH. He, TY. Chan. (2017) Correct identification and redescription of the larval stages and early juveniles of the slipper lobster Eduarctus martensii (Pfeffer, 1881) (Decapoda: Scyllaridae). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 37, 204-219.
K. Wakabayashi, BF. Phillips. (2016) Morphological descriptions of laboratory reared larvae and post-larvae of the Australian shovel-nosed lobster Thenus australiensis Burton and Davie, 2007 (Decapoda, Scyllaridae). Crustaceana, 89, 97-117.