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Available support services following the Noto Peninsula earthquake

For Students and Prospective Applicants
For Parents and Guardians

We extend our heartfelt sympathy to all affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake.

In response to this earthquake, we have set up a support center to address concerns regarding a tuition fee waiver for affected students and an exam fee waiver for entrance examinees. 

Next week, a comprehensive response plan is expected to be announced by the national government and organizations related to national universities. In the meantime, however, you are welcome to contact us once you have secured your and your family's safety. If you meet the criteria, please reach out to the following offices:

Consultation Counter

〇For Students
Consultation Desk for Tuition Fee Exemptions Student Services Group, Department of Educational Affairs, Education Office
Email:gkeizai-group * office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @)

〇For Prospective Applicants
Consultation Desk for Entrance Examination Fee Exemptions Entrance Exam Group, Department of Educational Affairs, Education Office
Email:nyusi-group * office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @)
