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  • Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA 2016-2017) held the Midterm Seminar on the “Glocal Leadership Project: Cooperation of University & Local Society~Self-Support System~”

Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA 2016-2017) held the Midterm Seminar on the “Glocal Leadership Project: Cooperation of University & Local Society~Self-Support System~”

On January 31 international exchange students participating in the Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA) made a presentation of their Practical Research Group Project titled the “Glocal Leadership Project : Cooperation of University & Local Society ~Self-Support System~”.

Four groups representing the HUSA Program 2016-2017 (39 students from 30 universities in nineteen countries of North America, South America, Europe, Oceania, and Asia) reported their proposal of their group projects in English in the seminar chaired by the Associate Professor Naomi Tsunematsu of International Center. Students have been working on the group projects in cooperation with local people since last October. In this seminar four groups reported the proposal for international students’ self-support projects.

HUSA Program Students Making a Presentation

The seminar was held by inviting the examiners from local industry and city council and received an important feedback. Professors and graduate students of Hiroshima University also attended the seminar, and students received valuable feedback on their project for its actualization.

HUSA international exchange students getting feedback

Currently, projects to introduce cultural activities in local regions, to introduce useful information on hospitals in Saijo, and to make a booklet to introduce recipe, have been taking place to support international students. HUSA Students taking the “Globalization Support Internship” also introduced their international exchange project which will be carried out soon. We are now waiting to see the actualization of the projects by the HUSA Program students.


Dr. Naomi Tsunematsu
Associate Professor
International Center: International Education Division
Hiroshima University

Email: ntsunema*hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please change * into @)
