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Exchange Event for Trainees and Students from Mexico

On June 27, 2017, Hiroshima University invited trainees and students from Mexico who are currently studying at HU to an exchange event where they could meet and interact with HU Japanese students.

The meeting was opened with an address of welcome by Executive and Vice President (International/Peace/Fund)Toshiyuki Sato. The Mexican students then enjoyed social interaction with Japanese students, including those who had experience studying abroad in Mexico, are currently studying Spanish, or are interested in international exchange.

HU currently accepts international students from over 72 countries and regions. Along with welcoming exchange students from various countries, through facilitating these such on-campus exchange events, HU hopes to increase the number of students interested in international exchange.

Commemorative photo taken in front of a café on campus


International Exchange Group, Hiroshima University

TEL: 082-424-6045
