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Public Lecture: "The Natural History Museum of London"

Free Public Lecture!

The Hiroshima University Museum will hold a public lecture entitled "The Natural History Museum of London: Past, Present, and Future." The lecture, which will be given by a researcher from the Natural History Museum of London, the world's largest natural history museum, will cover the museum’s history, museum work, exhibit contents, and outlook for the future.

The lecture is open to anyone, inside or outside of the university, and we would especially like to invite those who are concentrating on museum work or curators. This is a free lecture and there is no need to fill out an application before coming, just simply go directly to the venue.

Lecturer: Dr. Geoffrey A. Boxshall (Department of Zoology at the Natural History Museum of London)

Date and Time: Thursday, April 20 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.

Venue: Hiroshima University's Faculty of Letters, Lecture Hall B204 (Higashi-Hiroshima Campus)

Contact Information: The Hiroshima University Museum

Telephone: 082-424-6659

Fax: 082-424-0320

E-mail: museum@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
