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  • Class Cancellation from July 10

Class Cancellation from July 10

Information about Class Cancellation after 9 July as follows:

[Higashi-Hiroshima Campus]
We will cancel all the classes until 12 July (Thu). 
We are also planning to resume the classes on 13 July (Fri),however, 13 July is a substitute class day for Monday. 
Thus, if the classes are conducted on 13 July, they are Monday classes (NOT Friday classes).

[Kasumi and Higashi-Senda Campuses]
All the classes from 10 July (Thu) on will be conducted as usual.
We would like to ask you to make your own safety the first priority. 
So, when there seems to be difficulties for commuting safely, please contact the Instructor and Student Support Office at your faculty by E-Mail and quit commuting .

<Contacts of the Student Support Office at each School/Graduate School>
* Regarding makeup classes for the canceled classes after 6 July (Fri), we will let you know at the later date.
* Please be mindful of your safety, as the recent heavy rain caused serious damages such as landslide and road destruction.


