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  • Class Cancellation on July 13 (Higashi-Hiroshima campus)

Class Cancellation on July 13 (Higashi-Hiroshima campus)

Although we were supposed to resume the classes, we must inform you that all the classes of 13 July (Fri) will be cancelled as well. This is because the complete recovery of public transportation between Higashi-Hiroshima campus and other area seems to need more time.

At this moment, we are considering the class resuming of 17 July (Tue), however, we will let you know again after carefully making a decision on 15 July (Sun) whether we will resume or continually cancel them.

We would like to ask you to make your own safety the first priority. So, when there seems to be difficulties for commuting safely, please contact Student Support Office at your faculty by E-mail and quit commuting.

<Contacts of the Student Support Office at each School/Graduate School>


