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  • HU received a courtesy visit from Vice President Shengcheng XU of Lanzhou University, China

HU received a courtesy visit from Vice President Shengcheng XU of Lanzhou University, China

On January 17th 2019, the delegation from Lanzhou University in China led by Vice President Shengcheng XU visited the Higashi-Hiroshima Campus of Hiroshima University (HU) and had a meeting with Executive and Vice President Toshiyuki Sato (in charge of International/Peace/Fund). During his visit, Vice President Shengcheng XU also observed Hiroshima University Museum as well as the Dunhuang Project Research Center guided by Professor Hiroshi Arami of the Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences.

HU and Lanzhou University concluded the inter-university agreement in May 2018. In addition to the present research exchange, we will promote student exchange focusing mainly on “Morito Institute of Global Higher Education 3+1 Program”. It is hoped that academic exchange between both universities will be further promoted.

During the meeting

During the meeting

Commemorative photo

Commemorative photo (Center: Vice President XU, Right-Center: Executive and Vice President Sato)


International Exchange Group, Hiroshima University

TEL: 082-424-6045
