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  • [Message from the President] Report regarding the ‘Emergency Aid for HU Students’

[Message from the President] Report regarding the ‘Emergency Aid for HU Students’

With the number of the confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in Japan and elsewhere on its increase, HU was amongst the quickest of the universities in Japan to respond to the crisis by launching its ‘Emergency Aid for HU Students’ to its faculty and administrative members on 21rd April 2020.  This financial support was intended for those HU students whose regular income has been badly affected by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. After the news about the Aid was broadcast, many alumni of HU, parents or families of HU students, and the citizens of Hiroshima gave us warm words of encouragement and kindly donated money to the Aid.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to those people who have kindly contributed their money to the Aid. Thanks to the generous amount of donations, HU has been able to provide money to the qualifying students, who have been under great financial difficulties.

As originally planned, the donation period of the Aid ended on 15th June; a brief summary of the Aid has been shown below. Meanwhile, the “Student Support Fund” at HU, intended to support students who have found it difficult to continue their studies due to financial strain, is still open for public donation. Incidentally, from June 5, HU has launched a new “Hiroshima University Student Support Project” with a catch phrase “Makenkenne! Hirodai (literally, it means ‘HU will Never Give Up’)”, to raise funds through crowdfunding.

Having addressed the financial support to HU students above, the next agenda to be tackled by HU is that of creating an environment where students are able to accommodate themselves to a new way of living that takes into account ‘post-/with-coronavirus life’, going about their campus life and focusing on their studies.

Once again, I would like to express my deep gratitude to those who have generously contributed money to HU on this occasion. As always, I am counting on your continuing support to Hiroshima University.

June 16, 2020
Hiroshima University President, Mitsuo Ochi

Brief Summary of the Emergency Aid for HU Students

1) The total amount donated as of 15th June 2020: 59,211,000 yen from 1,173 donors
2) Breakdown of the donations

  • Faculty and administrative members of Hiroshima University: 18,059,000 yen from 414 donors
  • The alumni of HU: 27,899,000 yen (567 donors)
  • The citizens of Hiroshima, parents or families of HU students: 13,263,000 yen (192 donors)

3) Amount issued to students: A total of 778 students having received 30,000 yen/month (as of June 16th 2020) *The money is still being issued to the qualifying students.

■Ongoing Fund (donations accepted throughout the year): The Hiroshima University Fund (Study Support Project Fund)

■Crowdfunding “Makenkenne! Hirodai (負けんけんね! 広大)” of Hiroshima University Student Support Project (the Project is to be closed on 31th July 2020)


Office of Funding, Hiroshima University


E-mail: kikin*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please replace*with @)
