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Hiroshima University's campus was again bustling with activity for the first time in six months as students enjoyed fine autumn weather at the start of the third term last October 2.
Around 80 students attended the “Basic Physical Chemistry A” class for first years in the Department of Chemistry in the School of Science. Inside the lecture room, with the windows open, students were fully engaged in the lesson as they followed the university's mask-wearing and social distancing protocols to prevent the spread of the virus.
With the "Hiroshima University Action Guidelines to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19" eased to Level 1 (Minimum restrictions on activities) on October 1st, courses in the third term will consist of a combination of face-to-face and online classes. Approximately 60% of the classes (including specialized education courses for first-year undergraduates), courses with less than 20 students, laboratory and practical classes, and research guidance, will be conducted in person.

Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group