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  • (Mar. 8, 2021, Webinar) HU's Research Center for Diversity and Inclusion | Living with Different Cultures

(Mar. 8, 2021, Webinar) HU's Research Center for Diversity and Inclusion | Living with Different Cultures

An open webinar with Prof. Adam Seligman, Boston Univ., "Living with Different Cultures" will be held on March 8th. He will share with us his experience at CEDAR, an intercultural educational workshop.

We, the Research Center for Diversity and Inclusion, and the Research Project for Practicing and Developing Science for Diversity and Inclusion, look forward to your participation.

※Pre-registration required.

Date & Time

March 8 (Monday), 2021, 9:00-11:00 JST


ZOOM Webinar


Living with Different Cultures


Prof. Adam Seligman (Director of CEDAR, Boston University)


Japanese and English
※Handouts or consequtive interpretation provided for bilingual audience

Registration fee


How to Register

Students, educators, civil workers, and anyone interested in intercultural communication, please register from the following link https://bit.ly/3qufa1y
※Only the first 200 applicants will be accepted due to technical reasons.


Research Center for Diversity and Inclusion, Hiroshima University
Webinar Staff

E-mail: hu.diversity*gmail.com (Please replace * with @)
