Taoyaka Program for creating a flelxible, enduring, peaceful society
E-mail: taoyaka-program*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @)
The Taoyaka Program for creating a flexible, enduring, peaceful society conducted the Onsite Training from August 22nd to 29th under the theme of "Environmentally-Friendly Agriculture and Regional Development in the Seto Inland Sea Island Area.
The purpose of the on-site training is to learn about the unique cultural characteristics of local communities and their approaches to overcoming technological challenges, as well as their attitudes toward acquiring with such challenges, through short-term stays in disadvantaged areas in Japan and abroad and the study of specific case studies.
This training program was jointly organized by Tribhuvan University (Nepal), Birla Technological University Pilani (India), Lyndon Johnson School of Public Policy at the University of Texas at Austin (USA), and Hiroshima University. Thirteen students from different countries and research fields participated in this training program.
In FY2021, an online training course on "Perception towards and adaptation to climate change by small farmers" was held jointly, and this year's training was a further development of the previous one.
Participants received lectures on agriculture and regional development efforts in Higashihiroshima City and Kure City, as well as on the environmental characteristics of the Seto Inland Islands. They then visited two organic farms in Shiwa, Higashihiroshima City (Yoake-no-Jonny Farm and Shichi-San Farm), and took lectures by farmers. They also had a virtual visit to a citrus farm engaged in environmentally friendly cultivation and exchanged opinions with members of the Regional Development Cooperation Volunteers through an online relay connection with people in the Shimo-Kamagari area of Kure City. On the final day, each student group presented their ideas for regional development through environmentally friendly agriculture.
Participants feedbacked that they were able to gain new knowledge and insights by learning together with students from different research fields and disciplines and that they learned that Japanese farmers are respecting their professions.
*This program was funded by the "International Youth Science Exchange Program (Sakura Science Program)" sponsored by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
Taking lectures
Farm visit
Virtual farm visit
Final presentation session
Taoyaka Program for creating a flelxible, enduring, peaceful society
E-mail: taoyaka-program*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @)
Date : 2022/09/28
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