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  • The 5th Japanese Speech Contest Held in Lithuania

The 5th Japanese Speech Contest Held in Lithuania

On November 21st 2022, the 5th Japanese Speech Contest was held at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) in Kaunas City, where Hiroshima University Lithuania Center is located. This contest was co-hosted by Komaru-Koutsu Foundation, Hiroshima University Lithuania Center and VMU’s Centre for Asian Studies. On the day, there were about 150 people in the audience including Japanese language learners and teachers.

The contest began with opening addresses by Mr. Shigehiro Komaru (President of the Komaru-Koutsu Foundation, President of the Fukuyama Transporting Co. Ltd., and Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Lithuania in Fukuyama) and Dr. Linas Didvalis (Head of the Centre for Asian Studies of VMU). On top of that, the Japanese Ambassador to Lithuania H. E. Mr. Tetsu Ozaki, and the Lithuanian Ambassador to Japan H.E. Mr. Aurelijus Zykas, both of whom are special guests of this event, also gave their addresses.

In the contest, 6 participants categorized in 3 groups; advanced level (1 participant), intermediate level (3 participants), and beginner level (2 participants), made speeches in Japanese. After careful consideration by 5 judges, the top 2 from each category were awarded certificates and extra prizes.

The contest was concluded with the closing address from Executive Vice President Toshiyuki Sato from Hiroshima University. The audience listened intently until the very end of the contest.

Commemorative photo


Global Initiatives Group, Hiroshima University

TEL: 082-424-6042
