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HU's annual tribute: Remembering A-Bomb victims

Hiroshima University (HU) marked the 78th anniversary of the atomic bombing on Sunday, August 6, by holding its annual memorial service dedicated to honoring the lives of the victims, including the staff, faculty, and students of HU's predecessor schools who were directly affected by the atomic bombing and tragically lost their lives.

The ceremony is held yearly in front of HU’s “Memorial Monument for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb” on the Higashi-Senda Campus. Given the unusually high temperatures of this year's summer and the associated risk of heat stroke, the ceremony was conducted while prioritizing the well-being and safety of the bereaved families and other attendees. About 40 people, including bereaved families and university staff, attended the event.

HU President Mitsuo Ochi and a representative of the bereaved families dedicated a register listing the names of 2,080 A-bomb victims to the cenotaph. This list included 20 individuals who were recently confirmed to have passed away, including 8 international students. During the ceremony, participants observed a moment of silence.

In his memorial service address, President Ochi reflected on HU's commitment to peace and its ongoing initiatives.

“Hiroshima University, acting on behalf of the families of the deceased victims, submitted an application to add the names of students from China, Mongolia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries to Hiroshima City's Registry of the Names of the Atomic Bomb Victims. The request was accepted — marking the first instance of such an effort being made,” said President Ochi.

“We remain committed to contemplating our contributions to peace. Hiroshima University will continue to pursue its mission as a ‘peace-pursuing university.’”

Flowers and water were offered to the cenotaph and, later, to the adjacent “Monument of the Buried Remains of the A-bomb Victims” to comfort the souls of the victims.

University officials and Malaysian students studying at HU also held a memorial service in front of the grave of Mr. Nik Yusof at Kozenji Temple in Hiroshima City's Saiki Ward. Yusof, was a Malaysian exchange student then studying at Hiroshima University of Literature and Science, one of the forerunners of the present HU, when he fell victim to the atomic bombing.

Click here for the full text of President Mitsuo Ochi's memorial service address (Japanese) (English)

President Ochi delivering a memorial service address for the 2,080 atomic bomb victims

The representative of bereaved families and President Ochi dedicating the list of atomic bomb victims

Bereaved families and attendees offering flowers and water

Offering flowers and water to the Monument of the Buried Remains of the A-bomb Victims

Hiroshima University Memorial Monument for the Victims of the Atomic Bomb

One thousand paper cranes wishing for peace


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